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HomeLatest NewsThe writer Manuel Vilas, preacher of the Fairs and Festivals of Los...

The writer Manuel Vilas, preacher of the Fairs and Festivals of Los Yébenes

Los Yébenes (Toledo) held its main event this Tuesday in a new edition of its Fairs and Festivals in honor of the Virgin of Finibusterre, the coronation of the queens of 2024.

The Paseo de la Glorieta gathered hundreds of neighbors who did not want to miss the event, during which in addition to the mayor of Los Yébenes, Jesús Pérez Martín, as well as the rest of the municipality, they were accompanied by the regional deputy José Antonio Contreras; the provincial coordinator of the Council Delegation in Toledo, Javier Úbeda; the mayor of Villanueva de Alcardete, María Dolores Verdúguez; the mayor of Villaminaya, Raúl Pingarrón; the mayor of Villafranca de los Caballeros, Julián Bolaños; the mayor of Cobisa, Félix Ortega; the mayor of Quero, Rubén Torres and the provincial delegate of Agriculture, Elena Martín

The party queens were undoubtedly the real stars of the night. Sara Castañeda was crowned Queen of Fairs and Festivals 2024; Marina Carbonell was the queen of associations; Jimena Carpio of Culture and Sports, Daniela Moreno of Emigrants, while Delia Blázquez was crowned Queen of Children.

The proclamation was given by the writer Manuel Vilas. “I began my research on Los Yébenes for tonight. I am a writer and for us words are important. What poetic originality there was in the words yebenosos and yebenosas, a magical name that I have just corroborated by seeing a wonderfully united people celebrating fraternity, cordiality, good neighborliness, friendship… because that is exactly what holidays are. I have come to celebrate with you all these festivities of Los Yébenes. Yébenes is a beautiful word, it means union. And for two towns to unite like Los Yébenes de San Juan and Los Yébenes de Toledo, there must be an idea of ​​a common future, and all these elements are the fundamental components of a community, of a society,” he said.

The mayor of Los Yébenes, Jesús Pérez Martín, also addressed the public and indicated that the municipal government team has put all its enthusiasm and effort into it, “with the desire that the programming and organization be to everyone’s taste. “We are a people with a history, with deep roots that have allowed us to resist the passage of time, and not only resist, but prosper.”

He thanked the work carried out throughout the year by “local businessmen, those courageous people who, every day, invest their time, energy and resources to grow our local economy. Thanks to them, Los Yébenes continues to progress, generating jobs and opportunities for all. And I cannot fail to recognize our farmers and ranchers, guardians of our lands and our primary sector, who, with their daily efforts, have cultivated the present and sown the future of these sectors. “They are the living example that with effort and dedication, the land can become life, sustenance and hope.”

Regarding the economic situation of the City Hall, he explained that thanks to the responsible management “achieved over the years, we know that we have the necessary resources to look to the future with confidence and face important projects.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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