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The Xunta de Feijóo bought part of the masks for which Ayuso’s partner charged 2 million in commissions

The Xunta de Galicia bought in 2020, when it was chaired by the current leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, some of the masks for which Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner, Alberto González Amador, pocketed 2 million euros in commissions that year.

This is confirmed to elDiario.es by Gumersindo Cachafeiro, founder and president of Mape, the company that paid 42 million for medical supplies from China to FCS, a Catalan company to which González Amador charged commissions of 4.5% for intermediary in the purchase of the material.

Until now, it was not known who was the final buyer of the goods ordered from FCS by the Galician company Mape, a company with extensive experience in the supply of health supplies. It has now been confirmed that at least one public administration ended up acquiring this material.

In Mape, Quirón’s director Fernando Camino is a key director in the professional promotion of Ayuso’s partner. Both are linked by their relationship with the private health giant (González Amador’s main payer for years) or by a lawyer from León who manages the luxurious penthouse in Madrid enjoyed by the confessed fraudster and president of the Community of Madrid.

“90 to 95% of the merchandise I purchased that year [2020] “I acquired it from FCS and sold it to all Spaniards, public and private,” Cachafeiro explains. In a telephone conversation with this media, the businessman emphasizes that “neither Quirón nor anyone related to all this bought this merchandise from me. The Community of Madrid, zero.

But the Xunta de Galicia did it: “We never sold them anything before the pandemic, nor after.” However, faced with the health emergency and governments around the world desperately looking for masks, gloves and other protective equipment, the Executive then chaired by Núñez Feijóo asked them for help “because they need it, like everyone else. They didn’t have an import permit and we lent them ours without any reward.” With these permits, he explains, they were able to supply the Xunta with everything from masks to consumables for respirators.

The Xunta de Galicia, in response to questions from elDiario.es about the commission charged by González Amador, points out that “it acquired medical supplies from a company specializing in the distribution of medical supplies, which was also selected as a supplier by the central government as part of its agreement.”

Furthermore, a spokesman for the Galician government stresses that the question of whether the company “obtained the medical supplies directly from the manufacturer or through another intermediary company is a matter that exclusively concerns the supplier and does not involve the Xunta in any way.” The same sources insist that “Xunta’s supplier is the health products company Mape. Xunta’s relationship is with this company,” excluding any relationship with Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s current partner.

The Galician government took several months to publish the contracts awarded to Mape in 2020, the year in which this company was the one that received the most emergency contracts from the Galician Health Service: 10 awards for an amount of more than 10 million.

Of this figure, 4.3 million were intended for the supply of masks under three emergency contracts concluded between April and June 2020. These contracts only appeared on the Xunta contracting platform on 11 October 2022. In the Official Journal of the EU, they were only published on 11 October 2022. February 2023, almost three years later. The award resolutions are not available.

The delay in publishing these awards was a general trend in Sergas’ emergency contracts, which did not comply with the legal obligation to make them public. This was highlighted by the Audit Council in a report that warned that Mape was charging 37% more than other suppliers in 2020. Cachafeiro believes that the regulatory body “needs to think about it”. “If I bought high, I sold high. “They can’t accuse me of overcharging,” he defends himself.

“No relationship”

“We do not have and have not had a business relationship with Ayuso’s boyfriend,” says the founder of Mape, who regrets that it is claimed that his company allowed González Amador to become a millionaire in 2020. Although he is aware of the many links that unite him with the director of Quirón Fernando Camino.

The Galician businessman has remained silent in recent months, after the scandal surrounding the Madrid president’s associate, which affected his company due to his status as advisor to the director of Prevention Quirón. Camino has always refused to respond to elDiario.es.

“I have nothing to do with anyone’s commission,” says Cachafeiro, who explains his relationship with Camino, whom he has known “since 2015”: Quirón’s manager “is my friend, I know him through his wife’s family and his brother-in-law, who have long-standing pharmacies in León. Since 2019, he has been a member of the board of directors of Mape, as an external director, “because he runs a company that is Grupo Quirón and he is one of the great experts in the business world” and in the prevention sector.

“Neither he nor anyone close to him or his family has ever had any shares here,” he says. “I still believe in him. He is an exquisite, scrupulous and correct guy.

Cachafeiro says that when he learned that González Amador was running a company in the tax haven of Panama that Camino had created until 2022, he asked him for an explanation. “That company has never invoiced anything,” he told me. “I told him: that’s suspicious. I don’t stop being friends with my friends because someone says that; but if it’s proven that they’re not what they say, I won’t support anyone who doesn’t have the same mentality as me.”

“I told him that if he was accused of anything the next day, he would be removed from the council.” The message he conveyed was: “I am not asking you to leave now because it would seem that I am blaming you or penalizing you.” “So far, nothing has happened,” he emphasizes.

Cachafeiro says he is unaware that González Amador paid Camino 500,000 euros in December 2020, after pocketing those two million in commissions, for a company in his wife’s name that did not even charge 30,000 euros and was barely active.

“Of course it surprises me, I’m not going to say no.” “The company must have something,” he ventures. “They’ll know how they did it and where they did it.” González Amador presented to the Treasury as a “gamble” the purchase of this company, dedicated to beauty treatments and which he used as a screen to defraud with Quirón’s extra income.

Cachafeiro admits that he also asked Camino about the company that bought this luxurious penthouse in Madrid, managed by a lawyer from León very close to the director of Quirón who represented González Amador during the Treasury inspection. The answer he gave him, he explains, was that “it’s a coincidence that he brought this to Alberto.” “I don’t know this lawyer,” he says.

He also claims to know nothing about the mysterious loan of 955,000 euros that this company received in 2023, when it bought this luxury apartment in cash. Nor is it explained why another councilor from León has always kept the accounts of Maxwell Cremona, González Amador’s main company.

Since the case broke, Cachafeiro had only treated The countrywhich he told in March, as soon as elDiario.es revealed González Amador’s tax fraudthat the steps to buy the masks from FCS began in March 2020. This version, which Cachafeiro maintains and which the Catalan company has also maintained, clashes head-on with what Ayuso’s partner has maintained before the Treasury.

During the inspection by the Tax Agency, González Amador assured that he had taken measures to bring this material in January 2020, two months before the outbreak of the health crisis in Spain, through videoconferences and physical meetings in New York and with the participation of a representative of the Florida-based company, Inteconn.

“A scam”

Cachafeiro is very critical of the tax fraud admitted by Ayuso’s partner: “For any coherent person, it’s a scam. If you charge two million and you don’t want to pay for it… let’s call it what we want. “It’s scandalous.” “We have always collaborated with what the tax authorities asked us to do.”

The businessman downplays the reformulation of the 2023 accounts carried out by Mape in April, when the scandal had already broken, and categorically denies any connection with this affair. He emphasizes that this modification, a relatively rare maneuver, is due to the decision to distribute in the form of dividends the entire profit of last year (1.5 million) when the accounts had already been prepared in a first version.

It also specifies the identity of the buyer of 5% of the capital that the company sold on its own shares in May 2022 for half a million euros. This is the general director of Mape, Víctor Mosquera.

Regarding the supplier to whom they advanced 1.5 million in 2020 for medical supplies that never arrived, it is an Italian company that ordered 20% of the goods in advance. “They were supposed to deliver a million masks in seven days” to a customer “who wanted to donate them to hospitals”. The masks never arrived, the events were reported to the Civil Guard and the matter was left in the hands of Interpol. “A few weeks ago they told us to consider the money lost because the three partners of this company do not have the capacity to cope with it.”

Mape began in 1998 as a consultancy firm. In 2007, it began distributing health products, parapharmaceuticals, medicines and other products that it markets to large companies, public institutions and private medical centres. Its clients include hospitals, health centres, companies, mutual societies, prevention centres… Among them, Inditex, Iberdrola, Caixabank, Repsol, Mercadona, Telefónica or Quirón Prevention itself and public bodies such as the Community of Madrid or the Xunta, according to its website.

“We work with all the prevention services and large companies.” “Whenever we could, during the pandemic, if we had goods, we sold them to our customers, public and private,” explains its founder and main shareholder, who emphasizes that he works for any administration, regardless of its political color. “I often make mistakes but I try not to commit irregularities.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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