Home Latest News The Xunta de Galicia awarded nine of the ten contracts signed by...

The Xunta de Galicia awarded nine of the ten contracts signed by hand with Feijóo’s sister company.


Eulen, the company in which Micaela Núñez Feijóo, sister of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is director, has in its relations with the Xunta the habit of concluding contracts without having to compete with other companies. The formula of the small contract, awarded hand-to-hand and without public call for tenders, has been, since 2018, the most frequent model in the relations of this company with the Galician administration, even if it does not constitute the main billing source. In the total number of its contracts with Xunta, it brings together 88.5% of the agreements concluded between the two parties.

Information concerning Eulen and its relations with the administration that the PP has led since 2009 is today on the table of the commission of inquiry created in the Parliament of Galicia which analyzes public procurement under the Feijóo and Rueda governments. The data available to elDiario.es comes from the Xunta Contracts Platform and dates back to 2018, the year in which changes in public procurement legislation and transparency began to require the publication of this type of information. Since then and until today, Eulen has concluded a total of 1,579 small contracts with the Galician administration, worth 7.2 million euros. In the same period of time, open contracts and therefore of greater value, numbered 55, for 19.7 million euros. Added to this are 150 other contracts that the Xunta classifies as “other” and which represent a turnover of 12.5 million euros. Conclusion: Nearly nine out of ten deals between Eulen and Xunta followed the fast, traffic-free, competitive route offered by hit-and-run contracts.

The Xunta’s relations with the company in which Feijóo’s sister is director for the northwest area were one of the reasons why the BNG decided to promote the investigation that the Galician Chamber is facing these weeks . And the Feijóo family has seen several of its members involved in business deals on both sides of the deals simultaneously. This is the case of the agreements signed by Eulen with the Santiago health zone, which Eloína Núñez Masid led for years. PSOE spokesperson Esther Peña summed it up this way last August: “If your cousin gives your sister four million euros in a public contract, something is wrong in this administration public. »

The Xunta de Galicia refused to assess the exaggerated frequency of hitchhiking contracts in its agreements with Eulen. As the only response, the Galician government offers the average turnover in euros that Micaela Núñez Feijóo’s company has achieved over the years in the San Caetano offices to estimate it at around five million per year and guarantee that This is the “same figure” that was signed during the period 2005-2008, under the bipartisan government of the PSOE and the BNG. elDiario.es contacted a Eulen spokesperson to express the same doubts. The company’s response was: “Thank you very much for your request, but, as you know, we do not make any statements on this matter. If our communications policy changes, I will notify you.

In his public statements, the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, does not miss the opportunity to harm the commission which intends to analyze the recruitment of his cabinet. This Thursday, he called this extraordinary parliamentary body a “defamation commission”, accused the opposition of “supporting it and not amending it to keep history alive” and, in short, summed up: “I’m not concerned at all.” BNG spokesperson Ana Pontón does not see things the same way. It was his party that promoted the commission that the PP was trying to avoid. Nationalist politics speaks of a “boycott” by the people of parliamentary research work and sees in this resistance “a declaration of guilt”.

2024: 140 contracts and 1.6 million

The practice of hiring Eulen under the accelerated procedure was constant throughout the years analyzed. So far this year, a total of 140 small contracts have been concluded worth €1.6 million. These are agreements that cover disparate services such as cleaning, security or revitalization activities in public libraries. This contract format is limited to amounts of 15,000 euros for services and supplies and 40,000 euros for works. The data provided by the Xunta to the commission of inquiry into the contract with Eulen in 2024 includes five contracts which do not respect this prerogative, since they amount to 222,254 euros each and concern the security services of the health zone from La Coruña.

A spokesperson for the Xunta de Galicia assures this editorial staff that the discrepancy is “an error in the codification of the type of procedure”. In other words, the Xunta claims to have mistakenly qualified as a minor contract which does not comply with the law which governs this model of commercial agreement. The official version obscures what really happened with these five contracts which brought Eulen more than 1.1 million euros this year. According to administrative sources consulted by this editorial, the explanation is quite different: the contract between Servizo Galego de Saúde (Sergas) and Eulen expired without the administration having launched a new call for tenders. Arguing the indispensable nature of the provision of the service, Eulen benefited from up to five monthly extensions from the Galician administration to continue ensuring the security of the centers in the health zone of La Coruña for five months in spring and in last summer. At the time when Xunta processed a new call for tenders, it was the company Prosegur which won the important market for security of corridors of medical centers and hospitals.


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