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The young man who was gored this Saturday during a bullfight in the countryside of El Casar (Guadalajara) has died

The young man who was injured by a bull’s horn during a bullfight through the countryside organized this Saturday on the occasion of the festivities in honor of the Virgin of Antigua, which took place this Sunday in El Casar (Guadalajara)finally passed away last night.

This was confirmed to ABC José Luis González Lamola, mayor of this town of more than 13,000 inhabitants located about 30 kilometers from the capital of AlcarreñaAn event that has colored the celebration of the patron saint’s festivities in black and that occurs barely two weeks after the death of another man during a bullfight organized during the festivities of Mesones, in the municipality of El Casar.

The person gored this Saturday was a 20-year-old man who, according to the Casareño councilor, was not a resident of the city, but a Madrilenian who had come to spend the holidays there over the weekend. At first, he was treated urgently in the operating room of the preventive device for the bullfighting event and, later, although he was going to undergo surgery at the Guadalajara hospital, he was transferred to the La Paz University Hospital in Madrid.

In this hospital center, explained González Lamola, he stabilized by being operated on by thoracic surgery, having affected a lungbut ultimately he did not overcome the serious injuries suffered by the bull’s horn and lost his life last night.

“It is an unfortunate accident and, therefore, I ask all young people and participants to be careful and cautious in this type of bullfight. “We have put in place the appropriate measures, but in the end, they are exposed to the dangers of facing a courageous bull,” said the mayor of El Casar.

As a token of “grief,” the council has declared three days of official mourning during which flags flying in front of municipal buildings will be lowered to half-mast. The company, for one, expresses its “deepest condolences and condolences” to family and friends for the loss of their loved one.

In addition, a black crepe will be lit on the flags located inside the municipal offices as a sign of mourning; and all official public events, organized by the El Casar City Hall, will be suspended for the duration of the official mourning.

A municipality which, already on August 24, had to regrets the death of a 51-year-old neighbor during a bullfight on the occasion of the patron saint festivities in honor of the Kneeling Holy Christ of his neighborhood of MesonesAn accident that occurred in the bullring and due to which all festive events in this city of Guadalajara of about 400 inhabitants were suspended.

These events were again reported by the Guadalajara Anti-Bullfighting Platform who, in a statement sent to the media, recalls that for the second time, in less than a month, the municipality of El Casar was the scene of an accident related to the bullfight.

“It is likely that the municipality is shirking its responsibilities, but it is worth asking: is it not its duty to ensure security during these types of events?” asks the organization. “Regardless of official positions, the truth is that these events generate economic and social costs that weigh on all citizens, even those who do not want such tragedies to occur. The pain that this new victim causes us is added to the conviction that guides our fight: to prevent these situations from happening again,” they say.

“Perhaps it is time to collectively reflect on how we invest our resources and how we choose to have fun. Is this the best way to enjoy our free time? Does it really promote positive and educational values, especially for children, who have once again witnessed what has happened?” they add.

According to him, “this type of event is not beneficial for animals or people. As a society, we must reconsider the type of entertainment we want to promote and whether it reflects the principles of respect and well-being that we seek to transmit, especially to future generations. “And we must not ignore that he is not the only one affected in Castilla-La Mancha, since this Friday, a participant in a bullfight in Pareja was injured in the leg,” they conclude.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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