Home Top Stories The young nurse Sara Carpio, a brilliant student who died with her...

The young nurse Sara Carpio, a brilliant student who died with her father because of DANA

The young nurse Sara Carpio, a brilliant student who died with her father because of DANA

The tragedy caused by DANA in Valencia will unfortunately have many names and first names. An example of pain loss is it that of Sarah Carpioa young woman nurse with a brilliant academic career who perished alongside his father in the flooded garage.

“Sara’s life was an example of love, generosity and strength. His departure leaves an irreparable void, but also a trace of love that will never fade. Your family will never forget you. This was the emotional message shared by those close to him and broadcast by the School Officer of Breastfeeding of Valencia (COENV).

The young woman stood out as student and had obtained the title in 2022 at the School of Nursing of Faith of Valencia, one of the cities with the greatest number of clausus in all of Spain, where he stood out for his Excellency.

Youngest daughter of the family, Sara is defined as “a exceptional person» of the COENV and this Valencian Higher Education Center, who expressed their “deepest pain and sadness for the tragic loss”, a “life cut short by the DANA storm” which also “leaves the entire health community and those who have had “the privilege of knowing her.

In these moments of mourning, the COENV wanted to “honor her memory and her professional dedication, and to unite in pain with her family, her friends and her colleagues”, considering that “the departure of Sara represents a irreparable loss for Valencian nurses and for all those who share the commitment to serving others through their vocation as caregivers.

From COENV and the La Fe Nursing School, they offered her family “support in whatever they may need” and emphasized, from her journey, that “as a nurse, Sara was a model of deliveryand his commitment to others is an inspiration to all.

They also launched an appeal from the collegial entity to the authorities and to society in general to take extreme precautions in the face of increasingly intense and frequent weather phenomena. “Protecting life must always be the priority, and this tragedy reminds us of the importance of adopting measures prevention and awareness In situations of emergency“, they stressed. We will continue to work for the safety of all our nursing professionals and promote responsibility in risky situations.


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