Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:34 am
HomeBreaking NewsThere are dozens of prisoners in Morocco

There are dozens of prisoners in Morocco

Tensions are at their highest at the El Tarajal border in Ceuta before the massive attempts at land entry of migrants, due to the massive call to enter the autonomous city, demanded this Sunday on social networks. The vast human deployment on the Moroccan side prevented this entry of migrants from taking place, with Dozens of suspects arrested.

Ceuta woke up in a tense calm. Normality prevails for the moment, although vigilance remains. Yesterday evening, Morocco launched a large police deployment in the town of Castillejos – on the border with Ceuta – and in neighboring towns, while carrying out arreststo prevent Moroccans and sub-Saharans from making a mass crossing to the Spanish city.

The accumulation of troops and military personnel of the Moroccan Gendarmerie in the area around Castillejos beach in Morocco, with a considerable number of vehicles and deterrents such as fences, prevented these entries.

Plainclothes agents deployed at the train station in Tangier, a town near Ceuta, were waiting this Saturday evening at the doors of the wagons of the convoys coming from Rabat to identify young suspects to want to participate in the crossing to Ceuta.

The agents arrested dozens of them on a single train and up to ten in a single carriage, both Moroccans and people of sub-Saharan origin, and took them to a building at the station.

This call via social networks has already brought Morocco to arrested about 60 people for encouraging illegal immigration and for deploying numerous troops in the area to carry out raids and arrests so that migrants would abandon their attempts to reach Spanish territory.

According to the EFE agency, this morning the tranquility at the Tarajal customs was absolute, with a increase in the number of Civil Guard troops. Other agents of the armed institute have gone to Ceuta – without specifying their number – as well as a patrol boat of the Civil Guard, which remains moored at the Spanish quay in case its intervention is necessary.

On the other hand, the alert situation was also maintained this morning in the 8.2-kilometer land border perimeter that separates the city from Morocco, because it was known that some immigrants were going to try to jump over the double fence.

The Government Delegation assured that yesterday evening and this morning the situation remains calm on the Spanish side.

The migration crisis is getting worse

The migration crisis has worsened in recent months, with the Canary Islands and Ceuta as the main priorities. The arrival of irregular immigrants to the autonomous city through the border of El Tarajal tripled compared to 2023 data.

According to Interior data, the cumulative number of land entries into the autonomous North African city in 2023 at this point in the summer was 650 people. During the same period of the 2024 financial year, Ceuta was overwhelmed by a total of 1,917 immigrant arrivals. In addition, Morocco stopped the arrival of thousands of people during the same month.




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