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“There are rats, cockroaches and humidity”

Students from CEIP Altamar in Vigo came this Thursday with helmets to protest against the situation in which the educational center finds itself, denouncing “deficiencies” that make the school an “unhealthy place.”

Thus, dozens of children gathered at the doors of the facilities with yellow helmets to highlight the conditions in which the Altamar is located, with “rats, cockroaches, humidity and lack of maintenance”, according to the association of mothers and parents. ..

Specifically, the president of ANPA, Rebeca Díez, regretted that parents, teachers and students have been protesting for a year at the City Hall and the Xunta to repair the center. According to him, it is the responsibility of both administrations because “there are structural problems (Xunta) and there is also a lack of maintenance (local government).”

“Everything has gotten worse. We have damp, cockroaches, mice, unusable access ramps to the school, rusty stairs, peeling facades, even the roof of the management is about to fall because of the damp,” he said in statements to Europa Press.

In addition, he dishonored the City Council that this year the school was left without a caretaker, after the retirement of the one who held that position until now. “It is the director who opens the school and closes it, opens the windows of all the classrooms. In addition, the rest of the teachers perform tasks that the janitor should perform. And that is the responsibility of the city council,” he added.

He thus regretted that the administrations were trying to “shift the blame” onto each other and were not providing a solution to the problem which affects nearly 200 children between the ages of 3 and 12.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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