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“There is a lack of a culture of effort. 82% are not ready to work”

THE teachers The Spanish see it rawthey consider that a 56.5% I think he school dropout This croissant because of the loss of what is called the culture of effort. We could agree that its definition goes directed to achieve a series of objectives I already have one a better future.

During three quarters of teachers of this country (a 82% of the total), the students are not prepared for professional life. This is data collected by the Young business talents (YBT), the program aimed at acquiring the skills of young pre-university students.

As the course begins, EL ESPAÑOL spoke with experts who are in front line of fire next to the students, and that’s what they told us about your day after day and its performance.

Mario Martinez is the director of the Young Business Talents report, whose representative sample of the year 2023 is of 11,502 students ages between 16 and the 18 years.

The report also includes the notice more than 600 teachers of the country. For Martinez, after ten years of consecutive reporting test the skills of students and the thinking of their teachers, without a doubt: “The capacity for effort has decreased.”

Educational laws in the spotlight

Among the reasons which led to this, according to him, include “politics and politicians”: “It already started with LOGSE in the 90A law why a the student passed the course without any effort.”

In this sense, the director of the study considers that there is “a overprotection speak system towards young people. everything is thought so that does not cost effort”.

Also point out the famous meme: “Before When a student did something wrong, his parents would scold him. Now They attack the teacher to reproach him Let’s see what they said to their son.”

The effort that young people put into their work is influenced, according to Martínez, by their look to the future. And they are not very optimistic. According to the report, only one 42.7% respondents believe that the situation of job will improve in the next five years. Of course, four out of five people think that Your work will be better than your parents’.

Service time is reduced

Juan Ramon Sanchez East teacher mathematics in a high school Valladolid. Start this September his twenty-second year of university and, after all this time spent in front of students, he also pronounce loud and clear: “Today’s effort is conspicuous by its absence.”

Juan Ramón Sánchez is a mathematics teacher at a high school in Valladolid.


“In the world we live in, where everything is easily obtained and almost immediately by a screenthings that require a continued efforts are difficult to achieve“This is what we teachers fight against every day,” the teacher explains.

As fatherIn addition to being a teacher, Sánchez self-criticism. He says that parents today they try to facilitate so much the lives of their children that when they come to class they also want results almost gifted.

THE networks and its fast circuits reward They don’t help either: “Learn mathematics requires this effort following in time, and fifteen seconds of a video sent by WhatsApp is a time infinitely short compared to what is necessary for learn them“.

QUESTION.- Have you noticed that before the students were more patient when listening to your explanations? Have their attention spans been shortened?

ANSWER.- Indeed. When you work with children or with teenagers, you assume that 60 minutes How long does a course last? they won’t be of constant attention. But now for example we can’t send home exercises a long answer or reasoning, in which they must go into depth.

“They prefer short answereven if there are more. If they have to deal with an exercise that takes a lot of time, it is not that they do not have the capacity, it is that they they give up directly” said the professor.

This is why Juan Ramon prefers be realisticenjoy it as much as you can hour of face-to-face teaching and don’t count on the effort that your students They might realize at home, ‘I’m not going to be able to scrape much ground there.

This teacher from Valladolid almost always works with older students, those who study second year of the Baccalaureate and the early years of the THAT. In some as in others, he observes a lack of decision about the occupation to which they would like to devote themselves.

Of course, on everyone’s lips is “the world who sees through mobile“, the one who dominates conversations between classes and in playgrounds is the Instagram and the Tik Tok. One of his dreams is to become youtubersbut they also know that it is difficult. “We we try to open our eyes and that they are realistic and aware that only one among many succeeds,” he emphasizes.

Sánchez, however, does not see everything as negative: “I want to think that the child East optimistic by natureThey always have more ambition than their elders, who are more withdrawn, they have desire to study. They enter the first day with great enthusiasm, but everything is more accelerated…”.

Nor does he think that they arrive at university with less training: “We always tend to think that our era was better. I’ve already been told that. my teachers that we were worse generation. In some aspects they may be less prepared, but not in others, because the society has changed and what it demands is also different.

So, for example, the teacher says that his students they are up to date in everything that is new technologies. Also regarding personal relationships: “Every student has journey and speak multiple languages“.

The question is whether it is necessary today for a person to know a lot geographyor maybe you don’t need to know that much and you need to know more languages. What the modern world demands is different, it’s very globalized. “We need very versatile people who identify with many areas. relaxation“, said Juan.

THE educationhe said, will always be behind reality, because in our schools and institutes, students are trained to practice professions that will exist. in the 10 years and we still don’t know what it is.” That’s why it is important to train in the most complete way possible for have more possibilities.

Youtubers as a mirror

Maria Jose Torres she is a teacher of Language and literature in an institute, but he also gives private lessons and this, he says, gives him a vision more optimistic than his fellow teachers usually are. “In the private lessons you see how the student tries strive“The problem is where we lose them,” he reflects.

Maria José Torres, professor of language and literature.


About this place where one gets lost, María José agrees with her colleague Juan Ramón when looking inside: “We are get used to have things that before we didn’t give themand we do it a few times to compensate because we are working parents. Since I work, I will give you more time with the tablet or I will buy you better beach shirts.”

Above all, he says, he sees this compensation in women: “When I have afternoon assessments my feeling is that of being give up to my family. “When my husband spends his time giving blood from noon to one in the morning, he doesn’t have that feeling, but rather the feeling of earning money for his family.”

Torres also focuses on the fashion in which students learn today, unlike the way we learned before: “My parents learned about the Goth Kings and they still know them. NOW in the first of THAT is known to technology, biology, a little math, a little language.”

“In our timethey were six subjects, no eleven. He resume is now more diversified, They learn more things but without going deeper” said the professor.

ASK.- And in terms of vocations, what do children want to do tomorrow?

ANSWER.- The difference between yesterday and today is that very little students raise your hand saying they want to become a veterinarian, a doctor or a journalist. They want to get money quicklyan upper middle social class.

I don’t know if it’s because of the diversity we have today, and that before it was jack, knight, king. Now, as there are more diversity of knowledgethem costs more take decisions.

“Girls caught my attention, that’s how my mother raised me. ‘don’t hold on to anyone and earn your own money” no longer exists. I believe that the Today’s girls see their mothers working outside and inside. They say it’s good to be vase woman“That really worried me,” says María José.

On modern professions and the model of youtubersMaria recognizes that the networks “make us see a world that is a mirage“, and that is why teachers teach children to have “a plan B, c And d‘.

“Anyway, I think that being human When you reach a certain age, you are furnish the head and work like everyone else, even if you are Bandarra at 15, at 25, you go to your factory and “you work”he refers to.

in me time it has become fashionable Belen Esteban and it seemed that having a child with a bullfighter it was a “good” fix“But I haven’t seen anyone have children with bullfighters and not want to work,” the teacher concludes sympathetically.




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