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HomeLatest NewsThere will be a strike in education in Navarre

There will be a strike in education in Navarre

All public education unions in Navarre denounced “a clear lack of willingness to negotiate” on the part of the ministry, they left the meeting that they have maintained with the advisor and maintain the call for strike for next Thursday.

For its part, the Ministry reproaches them leave the meeting without listening and with the strike propaganda already prepared.

This was corroborated this Tuesday before the press in front of the Parliament of Navarre, just before appearing before a working group of the Education Commission to communicate their demands to political groups.

“The idea of ​​this working group is to convey to all parliamentary groups what the situation of public schools is and the need for the Government of Navarre to consider the financing of public education as one of its priorities,” explained Carlos Rodrigo, on behalf of all the organizations.

Before that, all the trade union organizations represented within the Education sector negotiating table of Public Instruction –Steilas, Anpe, Afapna, LAB, CCOO, ELA and UGT– They abandoned the meeting of the sectoral table with the Ministry.

The meeting was convened by the Ministry at the request of a united general strikefor the first time since 2012, in public education in the Foral Community for this Thursday, September 26.

“We were summoned to present our demands, in accordance with the call,” he commented, but “the first surprise was that the ministry claims not to know teachers’ demandswhile we have transferred them several times.

“We asked if they had the willingness to finance the measures that respond to the needs of the Navarrese public education system, such as the reduction of ratios, staff stability, the overload of teachers, the recovery of purchasing power, among others,” listed the representative.

However, “we found a clear lack of will on the part of the Ministry to resolve these problems and to propose a timetable with a funding commitment. This is why we decided to abandon the meeting.

“Throughout this year we have tried to negotiate, but we always find the same answer: there is no money,” he insisted.

Likewise, he denounced that “the union organizations feel completely disappointed with this response and we are obliged to maintain the call to teaching staff to support the strike day on the 26th.”

For its part, the Ministry assured that the unions They left the meeting ten minutes after it began “without listening” the proposals they wanted to convey to them through the mouth of the advisor Carlos Gimeno.

“Before the advisor could speak, Spokespersons for the STEILAS and LAB unions interrupted Gimeno “They expressed disagreement with the agenda of the meeting, a matter they had not previously communicated, and then interrupted the adviser’s remarks by asking him ‘if there was money on the table’ to address the union demands,” the department said in its statement.

“If there is nothing, we leave. here alone “We are wasting our time.”they said, according to Education. “When the Minister of Education tried to speak again, the union representatives, “Around thirty people left the room while some of them left leaflets related to the strike on the furniture and doors leading to it,” denounces the department.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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