Home Breaking News These are the aid collection centers in Valencia

These are the aid collection centers in Valencia

These are the aid collection centers in Valencia

DANA continues to wreak havoc. After several days where the rains caused devastating floods, residents are beginning to return to an atypical normality and with the urgent need to receive aid from public administrations. The seriousness of the matter is such that the biggest cold drop of the century caused more than a hundred deaths after a fall of nearly 400 liters per square meter. A situation which in certain areas reaches the limit, as is the case of Paiporta or Letur. The question is:How to help storm victims without having to go there?

Faced with a lack of resources after the floods, solidarity between neighbors is essential to survival in the most affected cities. Regarding the reception centers, the clubs of the city of Valencia have gone out of their way these days to try to help, while the Valencia Basket collaborated by hosting hundreds of affected people for several nightshe Valencia and Levante have transformed the Mestalla and Ciutat de València stadiums into food drop-off points and other personal effects.

A catering point has been installed in the Valencia Basket premises, restocked these days thanks to donations from supermarkets, businesses and certain unions. There were also donations of mattresses and other personal items so he could rest, the Red Cross helped those who needed medical help, and, as there were plenty of changing rooms, people rehoused had access to showers and toilets.

Valencia and Levante have also collaborated, in their case transforming their stadiums into catering reception centers. In the case of the club Mestalla has an agreement with the Food Bank for whom food distributions are generally organized there, but this time, this association collected food and basic necessities. Levante did the same, collecting donations for those affected at their stadium.

Even if they were not the only ones to use their means to help those affected. Neighborhood associations are mobilizing and have opened five stores in different areas of Valencia for the collection of food and materials:

  • Avenue Natzaret. Our Lady of the Angels Parish. From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Avenue La Isla and Consell de Joventut de València. Calle de l’Alguer, 1
  • Avenue Patraix. Place Patraix, 13B
  • Avenue Nou Moles. Alcalde Albors Street, 22
  • Avenue Bénimaclet. Avenue Valladolid, 42. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

In addition, they organize calls for strategic meetings of volunteers in Valencia to coordinate aid to those affected by DANA. The meetings will take place in the following sectors on November 1, 2 and 3 at 10 a.m.:

  • Catrroja/Albal: Carrer de Fausto Albiol, 4, 46470 Albal, Valencia ALDI
  • Benetúser/Sedavi: Avinguda de la Albufera, 22, 46910 Alfafar, Valencia CONSUM
  • Paiporta/Picaña: Av. Nou d’Octubre, 39, 46210 Picanya, Valencia SPORTS PAVILION
  • Torrent: Av. al Vedat, 93, 46900 Torrent, Valencia MERCADONA
  • Aldaia/Alacuas: Carrer les Encreullades, 2, 46960 Aldaia, Valence ALDI
  • Xirivelle: Pl. d’Espanya, 7, 46950 Xirivella, Valencia LIDL
  • The Tower: Avinguda Real de Madrid, 59, Pobles del Sud, 46017 València, Valencia CONSUM

Food collection and clothing donation centers

Food and clothing collection centers are crucial for those affected, especially because supermarkets are at a minimum and many families have no shelter following the destruction of DANA. Therefore, he They opened several points for the Valencians to come make a donation and here are the locations:

  • The Valencia football ground, Mestalla, has arranged its facilities so that Valencia Food Bank Collect the food and you can offer it to the citizens.
  • On Calle del Sol 1, in the Vedat Pavilion in Torrent (Valencia) and in the street Saint John Bosco, 48 years old from Valenciapoints were opened for collecting clothing and food.
  • He CEIP Cervantes School Located at 2 Metge Fleming Street in Ribarroja, it opened its facilities for the collection of clothing and food.
  • THE Sponsor FoundationIn addition to creating a bizum for donations, they asked citizens for blankets, coats and food for those affected by DANA. Everything can be delivered to the organization’s headquarters in Madrid, Limonero Street, 26.

Key points in other locations

Beyond Valencia, other areas have also been affected by DANA which has hit Spain in recent days. cCities like Alzira, Gandia or Alboraia were also overwhelmed and allowed different channels and points to help the victims:

  • Alzira: Another of the affected towns opened a collection point at Palau d’Esports, with the help of the Red Cross, to collect clothing for those affected.
  • Gandia: Cáritas Gandía has opened the following account numbers to receive financial donations: Caixa Popular, ES19 3159 0078 5716 6338 6025 and CaixaBank, ES02 2100 8734 6113 0064 8236. Transfers can also be made through www.caritasvalencia.org.
  • Alboraia: The municipality has opened several points to collect everything, from water to food or clothing. These points are located: at the Ciutat de l’Esport pavilion, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., at the Local Police Prefecture, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., only on Friday 1st, at the Scout Center, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., until November 3.

How to send donations to help those affected

If you would like to send donations to help residents of the most affected areas, several platforms are open to donations:

  • One was created ‘go finance me’donations platform, where transfers can be made: www.gofundme.com/f/ayuda-damnificados-por-el-dana-en-valencia
  • Atrésmedia collaborate with Red Cross to assist in the rescue and care of those affected. Here are the steps to follow to send the donation: Transfer to ES44 0049 0001 5321 1002 2225; By calling 900 104 971; Through www.cruzroja.es/colabora; with an SMS with the word HELP to 28092 or with a bizum to 33512
  • Caritas In collaboration with Valencia City Hall, it has also made a series of accounts available to citizens: Caixa Popular: ES19 3159 0078 5716 6338 6025; Caixabank: ES02 2100 8734 6113 0064 8236; Santander: ES4500491892642110553738; Sabadell ES5400810216700002187226 or Bizum 00089.
  • THE Sponsor Foundation She also opened a Bizum 00909 for anyone who wishes to make donations.

Furthermore, here are some of the official information telephone numbers for those affected:

  • La Plana de Utiel-Requena: 659,289,726
  • L’Horta Sud: 682,177,249
  • The riverside: 619,975,059
  • La Hoya de Buñol: 690 027 099
  • Castello: 679 161 664
  • Telephone for relatives of missing people: 900 365 112
  • Red Cross: 900 104 971
  • DGT: 011



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