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These are the changes brought by the new regulations on hand luggage at airports

As summer draws to a close, many people are having to return to work. After months of getting away, traveling, or spending days off in the comfort of home being more feasible, getting back to routine is almost inevitable. However, there may still be time to one last trip before saying goodbye to the summer period for good until next year.

To do this, it is essential to pay attention to all the variables, such as the organization of the suitcase and the most efficient means of transport to reach the destination. Thus, the last summer destination may vary depending on availability or travel facilities.

The European Union Aviation Security Regulation implements, since 1 September 2024, new rules for all airports in the European Union, which mainly concern hand luggage and security scanners. Taking this into account could avoid unnecessary complications and altercations before boarding the plane.

New regulations on hand luggage

Airports have added new measures or removed some in order to maintain order and security in the most efficient way possible. One of the mandatory transit areas for passengers from any destination is the control zonewhere airport guards check that all hand luggage is in order.

For years, it has been necessary to pass a scanner to pass baggage control. It checks that each user complies with the regulations and not to carry objects that endanger flight safety, such as weapons or prohibited substances.

There are several types of scanners present in airports and the new regulations have taken care to ban one of them, the Explosive Detection Systems for Cabin Baggage (EDSCB) or also called C3. These allowed liquids to be carried in hand luggage without restrictions on volume or quantity. In addition, they avoided having to divide electronic devices and bottles containing liquids into trays before performing the analysis.

However, the new regulations in force from September prohibits the use of these detection and protection devicesbecause, as the European Commission has indicated, they endanger the safety of all passengers.

So, from Brussels we return to the restrictions on hand luggage and the transport of liquids already included in EC Regulation 2015/1998, which limit their transport in bottles of 100 milliliters maximumstored in 1 liter transparent bags.

All these containers will have to be the same. removed from luggage and placed on a separate tray for analysis during the scanner passage. The limitation of liquids in the new regulations mainly concerns:

  • Gel and shampoo bottles
  • Colonies
  • Lacquers and foams
  • toothpastes
  • All types of aerosols
  • Cream pots
  • All types of food, except baby food

The reason for the change in regulations

The European Commission has assessed that G3 type scanners did not meet safety standards determined by the Airports Council International (ACI) and therefore had to be revised.

In this way, the new regulation will serve as a precautionary measure until it is verified whether the C3 scanners are valid and secure enough to be used. At the same time, the new regulations will prohibit the transport of containers larger than 100 milliliters in hand luggage.

Which airports are affected by the new regulations?

Although all airports will be affected by this new regulation, in force since September 1, not all will have to make changes to their security equipment, since Most airports did not have this equipment. C3 scanners.

Therefore, some of the affected airports will have to revert to using X-ray and urging travelers to remove liquids and electronic devices from their suitcases for independent inspection.

Regarding airports, there are two that must adapt their security system to this new regulation, the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas and El Prat in BarcelonaBoth facilities had C3 scanners that cannot be used at this time, until a final verdict is reached on whether they ensure aviation security.

For their part, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Ireland, among others, also had this type of security device in some of their terminals, so the new restrictions on liquids will be mandatory compliance for all European Union countries.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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