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“These are the recipes on the right”

He Change of tone in the speech of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchezin his African tour and in the matter of migration, was not well received by the partners of the Executive. The second vice-president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Diazis the one who already spoke this Thursday about Sánchez’s turnaround, calling it “failure” adopt the “recipes of law” in matters of immigration policy.

“Following the same migration recipes as the right is a failure and a mistake. Our policies must be welcoming and solidarity, not mass deportations. “We are talking about human rights,” wrote former party leader Sumar in her X profile, after noting that her coalition partner had shifted from defending regular migration as an opportunity to opening up the possibility of making it happen. mass deportations from Spain.

During his first stopover in Mauritania, the socialist made a a vigorous defense of regular migrationas well as the circular. A measure that he carried as a flag during his journey through these epicenters of departure of migrants to Spain. Words that led the spokesman of the Popular Party (PP), Miguel Tellado, to criticize the fact that “while Germany and France They talk about mass expulsions, Sánchez talks about mass regularizations and goes to the countries of origin to encourage departures.

This is why Sánchez, already in Senegal – his last and third stop – has moved from encouraging orderly migration to defend the expulsions of irregular migrants: “It is essential that those who arrive in Spain irregularly return to their country.” According to him, these returns transmit “a dissuasive, clear, clear and powerful message to the mafias.” A point on which, precisely, he focused the day before in Gambia.

Already on his last day in Dakar and in his last speech in Africa, Sánchez reiterated the ideas of the first days, emphasizing that he advocates “orderly migration”in the face of the “hell” that irregularity represents. A type of phenomenon that, according to him, “leads to extreme situations of exploitation, inequality and risk of death” for those who resort to it.




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