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HomeLatest NewsThese cars fail the technical inspection and this is the reason

These cars fail the technical inspection and this is the reason

Depending on how the information is targeted, we will be able to determine more clearly whether the data is better or worse. The Vehicle Archive of the Community of Madrid has provided the ITV Data which correspond to the first half of the year, in order to tell us what happens to the vehicles presented for mandatory checks.

In its first title, it is clear that 82.5% of vehicles passed the inspection successfully, bringing the inspection rate to 94%. This is data collected on more than a million vehicles in the first half of the year.

Today, almost two out of ten vehicles fail their technical inspection.

The technical inspection is a bitter pill to swallow for many drivers.

Of course, one can give it a different reading. Let’s imagine that 17.5% of vehicles ended up being suspended due to serious defects, so that those that don’t can move around without being subject to control. These data are not too positive.

When the Community of Madrid confirms that almost two hundred and three thousand vehicles have been rejected in the first control of the six months of the year, it is important to know the reasons why these suspensions are generated since they are considered very serious defects that will prevent the normal circulation of vehicles.

The most common cause of rejection in ITV is pollutant emissions.

Pollutant emissions are those that register the greatest defects during the inspections carried out in the Community of Madrid. Up to 8.8 percent of all vehicles subjected to the examination since the beginning of this year. This has caused more than half of the discharges that occur in the stations.

Although it is not the only cause, it can be said that it is the most important. Then there are the problems of lighting and signaling, which are the second cause of rejection in ITV Madrid.

Madrid stations consider that, since it is a fundamental factor in traffic, especially in cases of poor visibility, the stations check with great precision the elements that will affect this vital security system.

What are the biggest failures that appear on ITV?

Emissions of polluting gases are the most important cause of rejections when passing the ITV. At a greater distance, we can see the problems that appear in the axles, wheels, tires and suspension, which represent six percent of the problems checked and constitute the third factor of rejection in the ITV.

Further on we can see the axle, wheel, tire and suspension problems that can cause up to six percent of serious problems found. In the case of serious brake defects, the truth is that they affect 2.2% of the problems that appear, being the fourth cause of ITV failure.

A fundamental factor is also seniority in the ITV

If we consider only passenger cars, 83.2 percent pass the mandatory technical inspection first time, which is slightly higher than the overall figure.

Buses arrive at exceed revisions of 82.3%. If we talk about mopeds, they have a worse rate, where 77.2% of vehicles are presented for the mandatory technical inspection.

Speaking of particularly interesting data, age is of great importance, as vehicles less than five years old typically have a low rejection rate of only 8.6%. Those that have been around for more than 15 years have failure rates that even exceed twenty percent.

The importance of complying with ITV

The ITV is often underestimated, when the truth is that over the years it has been of great help to the safety of road users in our territory.

We are facing a revision that It can be said that this can be improved.Many are calling for it to be deeper, while others believe it should be more lenient.

We’ll see how it goes in the future, but for now it’s still the best thermometer to know how our cars are and if they meet everything necessary.

We will continue to inform you so that you know the changes that will occur in the future in ITVsince changes are usually made from time to time.

You should never look the other way when it comes to safety and ultimately it is a benefit to everyone, so you should always keep your vehicles well maintained.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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