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HomeLatest NewsThese cars will be able to circulate without being fined.

These cars will be able to circulate without being fined.

From October 1st of this year, the General Directorate of Traffic will introduce the new Historic Vehicle Regulationswhich will allow owners of cars more than three decades old to continue using them more easily in certain conditions.

What the regulation essentially does is simplify the whole process of being able to classify a vehicle as historic, so that it is cheaper and more accessible, which will be a perfect opportunity for those who own classic vehicles.

What are the conditions that a car must meet to be classified as historic?

Historic vehicles

Let’s see them in detail:

  • Be more than 30 years old since its first registration or manufacture.
  • Belong to what is called the General Inventory of Movable Property of Spanish Historical Heritage.
  • Be declared of cultural interest or have a special interest for a specific reason.

This regulation provides for a special procedure for vehicles less than thirty years old, which play an important role or belong to a personality, although we will be faced with a more complex process.

A simpler and more economical process

Among the most important changes that we need to address is the simplification of the process itself. Previously, owners would take the car to a laboratory to check its condition. Now it is enough for a Technical service for historic vehicles make an assessment of the car and issue a technical report, as well as a certificate. The cost of this procedure will be significantly reduced, from six hundred to two hundred euros.

Exemptions and Limitations of Use

The new regulations have introduced a series of new features regarding the ITV and the traffic rules for these vehicles:

Vehicles over sixty years old will not have to Facing the ITV Passagewhile mopeds will be completely exempt.

In the case of vehicles not equipped with seat belts, they will not be able to exceed 80 km/h.

If the car is not equipped with seat belts, those who are less than 1.35 m tall will not be able to travel in these vehicles.

On the other hand, the use of these cars will be limited to occasional use, which can be defined as maximum of 96 days per year. Similarly, the use of vehicles for public transport of passengers, goods or agricultural activities will be prohibited.

What’s happening in big cities?

What the DGT has done is to ask the municipal councils of large cities, where there are restrictions on old cars for environmental reasons, so that there are formulas to allow the circulation of said historic vehiclesThe fact is that these regulations will vary by council.

The regulation is undoubtedly very important news for classic car owners, as it will make it easier for them to continue enjoying them without having to get rid of this type of vehicle.

Long awaited news

In recent months we have noticed how impatience is growing among classic vehicle users, because as is normal, everyone wants the procedures for classifying a vehicle as historic to be smaller and cheaper.

One of the great attractions we can say is that now you will be able to enter the areas that are forbidden to them in large cities. This was one of the main demands of the owners of this type of vehicle.

Ultimately, being able to use a car of this type 96 days a year is excellent news, even if at first there was talk that it would be free to circulate every day of the year.

Even though it seems like it is the first of intentionsthen it was taken into account that all this could mean that many would use this type of car on a daily basis and that reducing pollution would not be possible.

The use of these vehicles is intended to be occasional and these days they can be exhibited with complete peace of mind, just as they can be used normally in other areas not subject to restrictions.

Many vehicles will be saved

With this measure, many cars that were already beginning to fear for their existence will surely be preserved and this is fantastic news that we should undoubtedly celebrate. So now you know, you just have to be attentive and from October 1, if your car is over 30 years old, you will be able to take advantage of this measure.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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