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HomeLatest NewsThey already have a new house provided by the government

They already have a new house provided by the government

Catalina Pomar and their disabled son, who were due to be evicted from their home in Palma this Wednesday due to a debt they owed twelve years ago to a loan shark, have found a new home where they can live with dignity. IBAVI has lent them a social housing in the capital of the Balearic Islands, where they settled to leave behind what had been their lifelong home.

It is worth recalling that the expulsion of Catalina Pomar and her son Raul Capo In Palma, it was initially scheduled to take place on September 10, but it was finally reversed since there were not enough police officers to carry out the eviction with maximum security. A fact that the family concerned did not expect, since Pomar and his son were already in the street with their belongings, ready to leave the premises.

Several members of the community moved to the old house located in the Palma neighborhood, Camp Redó. Platform Affected by Mortgage (PAH) and some neighbors from the region, who came to show their encouragement to Catalina Pomar and her son, who was collapsed in the middle of the street when he saw he was going to be evicted.

In the house where this family lived, located on the street Saint Vincent de PaulThere was a clear lack of hygiene. The strong smell could be smelled from the main entrance. However, social services never came to the aid of Catalina Pomar, who, according to her, only joined them after her husband died. There was also no social worker on the morning of the eviction, only neighbors and court officials.

Today, the Balearic government Marga Prohens (PP), through the Balearic Housing Institute (IBAVI), offered them a housing solution in a district of Palma for prevent them from staying on the street. All this thanks to the media pressure exerted and the negotiations of the PAH with the Regional Executive.

This whole problem arose when Catalina Pomar’s husband, now deceased, requested a loan of 40,000 euros. The transaction was carried out before a notary, but at the time of expiration, the money could not be returned. That is why the lender put the house up for auction, which was acquired by a private investment fund for only 15,000 euroswhen the value of the house is at least 200,000 euros.

It is worth remembering that Catalina Pomar suffered a few years ago a stroke that left after-effects. He also had to face a situation of vulnerability for his family, with low income and only one widow’s pension from her husband who does not allow her to pay rent, much less a new apartment.

However, the Housing Department has given a new opportunity to this family who, at first, were afraid of remaining on the streets. Their new IBAVI house is a new dignified refuge for Catalina Pomar and her son, who will now no longer have to suffer financial debts or eviction orders in Palma.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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