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They announce an investment of more than 7.6 million euros for the renovation and improvement of the Parador de Sigüenza

Raquel Sánchez, president of the Paradores, Susana Cabellos, subdelegate of the government in Guadalajara, and María Jesús Merino, mayor of Sigüenza, visited the parador of this city on Wednesday, to explain the imminent investments that will be made in the emblematic building. Previously, Raquel Sánchez signed the town’s Book of Honor at the Sigüenza City Hall and also expressed her support for Sigüenza’s candidacy for World Heritage status..

The works, which will require a joint investment of 7.6 million euros, are another example of the Spanish government’s support for the tourist development of Sigüenza, as a driving force for the development of the municipality and its region. Work will begin on October 14 and is expected to be completed within seven months..

The work, as stated in a press release, includes improvements to the rooms and common areas, as well as installations aimed at improving energy efficiency throughout the building. The renovation will be completed by a redecoration and an improvement in the comfort of the guests, which will highlight the monumentality of the building.

Turespaña will carry out actions in the historic site and the walls of the Parador de Sigüenza, with a planned investment of more than 1.6 million euros, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) financed by European Next Generation funds.

The president of the Paradores highlighted the relevance of this investment, stressing that these are “very necessary actions to be able to face the best future of the network of paradores, a public instrument of tourism policy to which we must all be very proud.” It is thus “an ambitious investment that will involve a total renovation of the facilities of the Parador of Sigüenza and this will improve the energy efficiency of the building and the comfort of its customers.

The mayor of Sigüenza, María Jesús Merinothanked the Spanish Government for its involvement in the rural development of the region and recalled that, thanks to the Sigüenza Tourism Sustainability Plan – also financed by the Spanish Government from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, also counting on funds from the Community Council -, an investment of 1.4 million euros is being made for different actions that include the conditioning and improvement of accessibility in the Plaza and Eras del Castillo, adjacent to the hostel.

Economic and social engine

Merino also highlighted the importance of the Castillo-Parador, both from a monumental point of view and from an economic and social point of view. “In 2024 we celebrate the 9th Centenary of the Reconquest of Sigüenzawhich cannot be understood without the castle,” he stressed, because it was there that the historical event commemorating the anniversary took place.

Since then, the city began a period of coexistence between cultures and urban and demographic development that the Seguntinos have managed to maintain until the 21st century. This legacy, transformed into ‘Sweet and salty landscape between Sigüenza and Atienza‘, is now a candidate to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The parador has contributed decisively to the consolidation of Sigüenza as a tourist destination, at a regional and national level. Staying there means adopting a certain way of traveling and doing cultural tourism. Today, it is the largest company in Sigüenza, not relocatable, and which has provided and continues to provide direct and indirect work to thousands of Seguntinos since its opening as a hotel establishment.

“So we cannot be more grateful to this building, which is at the top of Sigüenza, which has placed Sigüenza at the top for centuries,” said the mayor, who also had words of recognition for his work. current director, Fernando Tizón.

For all these reasons, the councilor of Seguntina considers that the investments and improvements made in the hostel will bring even more prosperity and work to the Seguntinos. “The one announced today brings to Sigüenza one of the most important investments made in the municipality in recent years, which will enhance a very important heritage element of the city, such as the Parador, generating economy, jobs, work and tourism for the municipality that benefits all its inhabitants,” said Merino.

THE Deputy of the Spanish Government in the province of Guadalajara, Susana Cabellosreaffirmed the commitment of the Spanish government to the city of Sigüenza, reflected through investments such as the one announced today in the parador, and others already well advanced, such as the Tourism Sustainability Plan, or still underway, as well as several municipal building rehabilitation projects.

“In total, we are talking about a contribution of more than 10 million euros,” said Cabellos, who also highlighted the importance of Sigüenza as a tourist reference and stressed “the importance of promoting this sector as a driver of development in the rural area of ​​Guadalajara, with the aim of creating wealth and jobs that contribute to the settlement of the population.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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