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HomeBreaking News“They are damaging the image of Spanish football”

“They are damaging the image of Spanish football”

He Superior Sports Council joins the frontal rejection of what happened yesterday during the capital derby between the Atlético de Madrid and Real Madrid. The government agency issued a statement in which it criticized the attitude of the radicals and in which it assured that it was already investigating to determine responsibilities.

Through the Permanent Commission of State Commission against Violence, Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance in SportThe CSD assured that events like the derby “harm the image of Spanish football”, and described the behavior of the most violent as “unacceptable”.

This committee assessed positively the way in which the match referee, Busquets Ferrer, acted, who, after a first warning via public address system, decided to send the players to the locker room. The CSD values ​​“positively the speed of action of the referee” to apply the protocol. He also condemned the events leading up to the derby, referring to movements that appeared on social media.

Atlético Front fans after derby incidents against Real Madrid


THE State Commission He is already working with the available images to “clarify responsibility” for what happened, and says he will not hesitate to propose sanctions to all those guilty. Among these fines that the Commission can propose are purely economic fines and the ban on access to sports facilities.

“Sport must be a space of coexistence and respect,” concluded the National Commission against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport.

Full CDD declaration

The Permanent Commission of the State Commission against violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, meeting this Monday at the headquarters of the Superior Sports Council (CSD), reiterates its most absolute rejection of violent behavior which damage the image of Spanish football. Any type of behavior presenting a serious risk to the safety of those attending a sporting event is unacceptable.

Thus, the Standing Committee condemns the serious incidents that occurred at the Metropolitan Stadium during the match between Atlético de Madrid and Real Madrid, corresponding to the Men’s First Division of football and which led to the provisional suspension of the match in application of the Protocol of action for the restoration of normality in competitions, tests or sporting events referred to in article 15.2 of Law 19/2007. In this sense, the Commission positively appreciates the speed of the actions of the match referee when applying the said protocol. Likewise, the Commission condemns the events that occurred before the match.

Work to analyze the available images is underway to clarify the responsibilities arising from these behaviors in order to propose the corresponding sanctions. These types of acts are punishable by severe penalties, including banning access to sports venues and financial fines. The Commission considers that the collaboration of clubs is necessary to identify the perpetrators of this execrable behavior, and their involvement in the work of preventing violence in sports venues is necessary.

Under no circumstances is it permitted to normalize behavior that deviates from good public order, and the collaboration of all participants is necessary for football to remain a safe sporting spectacle. Sport must be a space of coexistence and respect, where supporters encourage their teams with passion but always respecting the rules of respect, civility and safety.




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