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They are looking for the crew member of a sunken boat near Punta Umbria

Maritime rescue searches by sea and air to a young man who has been missing since this morning in the waters of Punta Umbría, in Huelva, after being alerted to the possible sinking of a boat about five metres long in which the person was alone.

As Maritime Rescue reported to Europa Press, the call alerting us to the incident took place around 3:10 in the morning and highlighted the possibility shipwreck six miles south of Punta Umbria, although it was later corrected that this could have been “two or three miles”.

In the area, the ship “María Zambrano” is working on its location, which has succeeded in this sense the “Salvamar Alkaid”, as well as the helicopter “SAR Helimer”. Likewise, from Salvamento Marítimo, they indicated that, if there is no resolution this Tuesday, The search will continue on Wednesday.

Apparently, This person is from Isla Cristina and he could have left around 1:30 in the morning. The owner of the boat indicated that he was used to go fishing together, but this time the young man had gone out alone. The family filed a complaint with the Civil Guard.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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