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“They are the opposite of what we have always defended”

Javier Lambanleader of the PSOE of Aragon and former president of the said community, criticized the pact signed between the socialists and the ERC and which agrees on a new fiscal model for Catalonia, the so-called Catalan concert.

He did so this Saturday morning, as soon as Pedro Sánchez’s speech ended before the Federal Committee of the Socialist Party. Before the media present on Ferraz Street in Madrid, where the group’s national headquarters are located, Lambán regretted that the agreement with Esquerra was “at the opposite end of what we have always defended”.

“If Madrid decided to do this, we would all have to take boats and go straight to Mauritania”compared. The so-called Catalan quota, negotiated between ERC and the Catalan branch of the PSOE, the PSC, means, among other things, that the Generalitat can collect all taxes.

Among the “issues that sum up the seriousness of the text” negotiated with Esquerra, Javier Lambán mentioned the “full fiscal sovereignty” that Catalonia would enjoy and its “bilateral” relationship with the State.It is unconstitutional and made Catalonia [igual]like two drops of water, towards the Basque Country. (…) Solidarity is charged as a principle“, said the Aragonese leader about the Catalan concert.

“This is a structural change that goes against the Constitution and unity. (…) It goes against federalization, it is a confederalization,” he added. “We understand that the revision of the common regime must take place within the framework of the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council“Lambán defended himself.

In fact, the former Aragonese president recalled that he had requested his summons because, according to him, for Spain to be “balanced, fair and united”, the autonomous financing of the common regime cannot be reformed “unilaterally” with Catalonia.

“This is unconstitutional from the outset and represents the intention of the Catalans to resemble, like two peas in a pod, the Basque concert,” Lambán said.

The general secretary of the PSOE of Aragon considers that the Catalan quota represents a “rupture” of solidarity between territories and of cohesion, since, if it were applied, “the Generalitat would enter 30,000 million [de euros] further“but this would mean “the loss of billions by the State that the rest of the autonomous communities would logically suffer.” They would have to condemn themselves to lowering the quality of their services or to increase taxes towards its citizens,” he warned.

Lambán was not the only socialist leader to criticize the Catalan quota in a PSOE federal commission in which Sánchez, in his speech, failed to explain (and therefore defend) this agreement with the ERC.

Anyone who joined the former Aragonese president in his criticism of the pact was Emiliano Garcia-PagePresident of Castilla-La Mancha and the only regional leader of the PSOE who enjoys an absolute majority.

“The coupon for independence cannot be the one supported by the PSOE”criticism. This is what he expressed when entering the Federal Committee and, already inside the Ferraz headquarters, in front of his colleagues.

The agreement, in his opinion, “He is more selfish than socialist” because, although Esquerra claims to be left-wing, “the reactionary is not only on the right,” he warned.




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