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“They are the puppets of Asirón and EH Bildu”

The president of the UPN and spokesperson for the Pamplona City Council, Cristina Ibarrola, said this Monday that under the mandate of EH BilduThe city “slowed down” and the mayor, Joseba Asiron, “showed that he had no real plan for the city.”

“We are witnessing a Pamplona in slow motion, a Pamplona in which Asiron has slowed down, a Pamplona led, yes, by those they call “the government of change”. Indeed, it is the government of change, but it is the government of change of opinion, it is the government of change of criteria, it is the government of change of values. Because since they have been in power, they have acted in a totally different way from the way they had announced and defended that they were going to act. We have seen changes of opinion in Beloso, in Sarasate, in Civivox del Ensanche,” he said.

For his part, he stressed that since UPN “in this new direction, we will continue to insist on two priorities” which are “of great concern to citizens and which have been totally abandoned by Asiron“, security and improving relations between citizens and the Administration.

While stressing that “I do not intend to be alarmist at all”, he warned that “robbery with force increased by 40% in the first quarter of this year”. “We are, and this is very serious, the community with the highest rate of victims of gender violence, double the national average, with an increase of 44%. And we have seen that in Sanfermines there were fewer complaints, which is true”, but what has not been said is that the most serious crimes have increasedviolent crimes, including 30%, robberies with force, and even more serious, if possible, the 72% increase in cases of gender-based violence, counting up to 8 of high intensity – I remember that in 2023 there were none – “, he said, after adding that “what is unfortunate and unexplained is that Asiron hid this information.”

According to him, security, housing and Improving procedures with the Administration are “three fundamental objectives” of the UPN “who are now being questioned in this city.” “Pamplona has slowed down, we have a government incapable of tackling any major project. Almost a year has passed and we do not have any relevant urban project on the table. They told us they would move them at the end of the year,” he criticized.

Among other aspects, Ibarrola said that the government team “has given up on entering Pamplona more than 30 million from the capital letter, they have lost another million euros of income from the mandatory social services that the Government of Navarre must finance”, and Pamplona “will also lose income because there is no urban planning of housing” “Only, and this has rennet, the additional income that there will be in Pamplona comes from the presentation of the assessment. That is to say, in the pockets of the citizens”, he said.

Concerning the destination of this possible income, Ibarrola stressed that “at the moment, there is no relevant project for this city, only Sarasate, which they have blocked solely and exclusively so that A UPN government would not do it“.

“Today we have a Pamplona greyer and duller than a year ago. They invented a story, that of the false paralysis, which was a big lie. Today, in 2024, Pamplona has slowed down and Asiron has shown that it does not have a real project for the city. What has been paralyzed is because they have deliberately paralyzed and blocked,” he stressed, after considering that “the speed of continuation of half-finished projects is quite slow.”

According to him, EH Bildu “it’s hypocrisy, it’s manipulation, it’s mismanagement”is the opposite of progress and continues to be what it has always been.” That is why he wanted the Socialist Party of Navarre “to know who it has decided to entrust the mayor of Pamplona to.”

The Socialist Party of Navarre, Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin will have to think about whether they want to continue being puppets of EH Bildu“If they want to continue applauding only a mayor who slows down the city, if they want to continue prioritizing only their seats, or if at some point, I don’t know if now, in a few months, in a year, in two, they will really think about Pamplona, ​​they will really think about the people of Pamplona and they will approve projects and develop policies that benefit and think about the citizen, which is what we are all political about,” he stressed.

Asked about the published video on UPN networks with a photomontage of Otegi calling the headquarters of the Socialist Party with a gun in his hand and who ends up “falling in love” between the two groups, Ibarrola stressed that the UPN “has already spoken, has already said what it had to say.”

“What I believe is that we don’t need to constantly have debates as a smokescreen to avoid talking about what is importantWe want to talk about what’s important. I want to talk about the fact that health care is worse than ever, with more resources than ever, that young people can’t stay here because they don’t have opportunities, they don’t have access to housing, and while we’re debating anecdotes, we’re not talking about what’s important. We’ve already talked, I have nothing more to say,” he said.

On the other hand, regarding the possible agreement between the Government of Navarre and Osasuna for the purchase of part of Tajonarsaid he had no further information on the matter. “With Osasuna we have a fluid relationship, as with other entities, we have not specifically addressed this issue and the government is not in the habit of asking us or providing us with information on this, or anything in general. We don’t have any more information,” he stressed.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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