Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:51 pm
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They ask Asirón to withdraw the subsidy for the pro-ETA symbolism of the San Fermín Chiquito program

He Popular Party in the City Hall of Pamplona denounced this Tuesday that “one more year, the Casco Viejo Festival Commission has presented its San Fermin de Aldapa festivities program full of pro-ETA symbols“.

Already on the cover of the same one can see the anagram of the ETA prisoners, while, inside the brochure, several advertisements for political organizations like Ernaiwith a direct allusion to independence, or pseudo-politicians like Arrano Elkartea or Etxerat, among whom also appear the anagram of ETA prisonersthe last of them specifying: “everyone at home”.

All these allegations, “of an obvious political nature”, are expressly prohibited according to article 5 of the General Ordinance on Subsidies, as well as in the bases of the subsidies for citizen participation for 2024, which specify, in their third point, that they will be excluded from the call projects or activities “that incorporate symbols or elements likely to offend citizens, undermine their dignity or suggest a justification for violence, as well as activities of a political nature.” “The advertising of political parties or federations is included in this exclusion.”

This is why the popular municipal group presented an initiative to the Citizen Affairs Commission. demanding the immediate withdrawal of the municipal subsidy to this entity for contravening municipal regulations. “Unfortunately, the groups that support the government team, including the PSN, avoided the debate by not voting on the urgency of the initiative,” confirmed the popular.

It is worth recalling that last April, on the PP side, “we already denounced Asirón withdraws from the recovery of the money from the subsidy granted previously to this association and that, for identical reasons of non-compliance with the rules, the government team of Navarra Suma had revoked.

“Once again, it is demonstrated that Assyron rules for a fewwith preferential treatment for its followers, who politicize the festivities with impunity, contravening the municipal regulations themselves, instead of defending the interests of Pamplona and all its citizens. These must be the agreements reached by the PSN and Bildu in their famous Coexistence Pact by which they ceded Pamplona to Asirón,” concluded the Popular group.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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