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They ask for an appointment with her

The strike committee Strike on September 26 in public education in Navarre ask for a meeting with the President of the Government, Maria Chiviteto give way to a “real” negotiationsince they consider it “impossible” to negotiate with the advisor Carlos Gimeno.

Representatives of all Public Education Unions of Navarre (Steilas, ANPE, AFAPNA, LAB, CCOO, ELA and UGT) proposed this Wednesday a press conference in Pamplona in which they reported that the strike committee had been created for the strike of September 26.

The unions announced that on the morning of September 26 there would be mobilizations among regional leadersand a demonstration in Pamplona in the afternoon.

THE inter-union of Public Education explained that the unions had been trying to negotiate with the Ministry of Education for several months. Educationand that they participated with their “best will” in all the working groups that were proposed to them, but that faced with the “lack of response” from the department, they unanimously agreed to call a day of mobilization to begin a “real” negotiation “between the unions and the government of Navarre.

The reading that the advisor made last week at a press conference on the call for strike We are so far from that of the unions that they consider that Gimeno is not a “basic interlocutor”. They believe that what “harms the students” is being with “27 students in the same class”, and not “a day of mobilization”.

“We are mobilizing for improve the conditions in which public education teachers must serve all students“, the union representatives stressed. “With this, we intend to improve the quality of the public service that we provide to Navarrese society. Does anyone doubt that the reduction in ratios, the reduction in work overload and the stability of the teaching staff will not benefit our students and the entire educational community?”, they said.

The unions have recorded the strike September 6 – the date of which they had already announced at a press conference on June 27, but since then neither the Ministry of Education nor the Government of Navarre have contacted them. For this reason, they have registered the request for an appointment with Chivite.

Union representatives visit all Public educational centers of Navarreorganizing dozens of assemblies and sharing its demands with thousands of teachers. “Support for the demands is unanimous,” they added.

Likewise, this Thursday, September 19, at 5:30 p.m., they will hold an assembly in the meeting room of the Schools of San Francisco de Pamplonaopen to all teachers.

As for the mobilizations On September 26, the day when teachers want to demonstrate their discomfort with the current situation of public education, the inter-union announced that in the morning there will be regional demonstrations in Alsasua, Elizondo, Estella, Pamplona, ​​Tafalla and Tudela, and that in the afternoon there will be a single demonstration in Pamplona, ​​which will leave at 6:00 p.m. from the Plaza de la Cruz, and they will invite the whole society to join.


THE Navarre government spokesman Amparo Lopezindicated that he does not rule out that President María Chivite meets with education unions, but focused on negotiating with Councilor Carlos Gimeno.

The strike committee Strike on September 26 in public education in Navarre requested a meeting with the president of the government, María Chivite, to give way to a “real” negotiation, because they consider it “impossible” to negotiate with the councilor Carlos Gimeno.

Lopez answered questions from journalists at a press conference on Wednesday. The advisor showed his willingness to engage in dialogue. “We negotiate and It is the will of this government to always negotiate with the unions.“, seeing what interests they are claiming, what is the availability of resources that we have and finding that meeting point to reach an agreement.”

“All departments that have a sectoral table are the natural interlocutors for negotiation with the unions. There are levels of dialogue, the necessary level is that of the department. The areas of remuneration are treated in a general manner, but the sectoral tables know this. There is an open dialogue and the advisor stated this” he said.

The spokesman for the Executive insisted on the idea expressed by the adviser last week that “The strike is a tool of pressure that will harm students Navarrese.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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