Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 4:04 pm
HomeBreaking News"They buy their silence with an official car"

“They buy their silence with an official car”

New clash between the second vice-president of the Government, Yolanda Diazand the PP spokesman in Congress, Miguel Telladodue to the investigations around the entourage of Pedro Sánchez, absent this Wednesday. “From ferrolano to ferrolana”, as the popular deputy presented it, the leader of Sumar avoided answering up to four questions in a row during the control session with the Government.

“Do you consider yourself a Democrat?” the spokesman began. “Do you think it is reasonable for a government to try to silence the media that criticizes it? To try to legislate and work behind Congress? To attack judges who investigate its political and family environment?”

In his barrage, Tellado suggested that he was giving Díaz, whom he sees as “silenced and cornered” in recent weeks, “a chance to shine.” This refers to last week’s presentation of the Action Plan for Democracy of the government, during which Moncloa gave more importance to the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, than to her.

Diaz did not fall into the trap of provocation, but he did not answer the question either. “Spain is a total democracy“I say it, I affirm it, and all the international indicators say it. It would be good if the Popular Party understood this,” he simply stressed.

“He missed the opportunity,” Tellado mocked.This is the price of power and that is the price to pay for being vice-president of the Sánchez government. “She bought her integrity with a presidency of the Council of Ministers and she bought her silence with an official car that transports her around Spain,” he accused.

Diaz, who had dodged the first volley, was visibly offended by this second part of the intervention and accused the spokesman of “your sexist and paternalistic tone”“These are democratic models, and theirs was based on budget cuts and the suffering of citizens when they governed,” the vice president counterattacked.

“When you were in power, you reached the ineffable figure of six million unemployed and you had a minimum wage of 648 euros per month. Your average pension was 934 euros per month; our model today is 1,234 euros per month,” he stressed.

This is an atypical control session in which the two vice presidents, Díaz and Maria Jesus Monterothose who had to defend the government in the absence of Sánchez. The Treasury, in particular, was the one that was most highlighted and marked the general discourse, later taken up by the rest of the ministers, on the legislative project of the government.

In this sense, he defended that “governing means improving the lives of the social majority, promoting economic growth, which is double that of the European Union, reducing precariousness, protecting the public services that the PP privatizes…”. The Executive, faced with the impossibility of passing its own laws, has been hiding behind good economic data for several days to justify parliamentary defeats.




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