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“They couldn’t handle me with the rope”

“They couldn’t handle me with the rope”

He cries several times as he recounts how his neighbors saved his life when he was up to his neck in water, almost literally, during the DANA floods in Catarroja (Valence). “It was crazy, I was stuck on a window grill, they rescued me and I have trauma to my head, because I’m seven months and I weigh 80 kilos, they couldn’t support me and the rope unraveled and I hit the wall”, remembers Raquel, a pregnant safe in the disaster.

The level of the waterspout was rising, “the water was already above my hips almost up to my chest, even though there were trees and lampposts, with the current in the middle of the street I climbed up ‘at the front of the clinic and there I was addicted until they were able to get me out, thanks to the fact that there was roof and the people there,” he explains.

He will never forget these minutes, with the maximum tension and fear for his survival: “They were moments of great panicof pray and to say let’s see how, in what way death will happen to me, I saw myself hit by cars or crossed by a sign.

And above all the maternal instinct, stronger than that of saving oneself. “Pregnant, you think ‘let things hit me, but don’t let them hit me in the stomach, so as not to lose the child…’ an odyssey, it was terrible», says this young woman, with the image of all the goods and objects dragged by the avalanche next to her.

After the fright, with these blows and some bruises on her arms, due to the efforts made to hoist her up with difficulty because the rope was unwound and she could not use force to facilitate the ascent of the facade, they carried out a medical examination to the hospital and have excluded damages for him baby waiting for. They couldn’t take x-rays so as not to affect her pregnancy.

Raquel was affected by the flooding of the supermarket and after the rescue, she began to roll up her sleeves and clean up her city, without being intimidated by the pregnancy. “They don’t want me to help them, but I couldn’t sit still, there’s a lot to do, my neighbors from below they remained homeless“At least they are alive, the least is to help evacuate the belongings,” she said between sobs and tears, seeing the drama around her, even though she lives on the first floor and did not have direct caused material damage.

“Many people have come to help me, I cannot handle large and heavy objects, but with the brush I clean, so that the firefighters can access them,” he describes. “East devastatingyou have to take your things out the door and out the windows, remove mud terraces, garages, great, something so that it doesn’t repeat itself in life, but hey, we are alive,” he adds.



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