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“They created the greatest number of martyrs of the 20th century”

Vox spokesperson before the courts of Castilla y León, Juan Garcia-Gallardorecalled the criminal past of the PSOE, which promoted multiple violent revolts during the Second Republic with the burning of hundreds of convents and churches. “You have made the greatest contribution of martyrs to the Catholic Church of the 20th century,” he said in a response to the debate on the law of concord that aims to repeal the socialist law of historical memory that the PP of Alfonso Fernandez Manueco approved in 2018.

García-Gallardo said he understood the vote against the PSOE in relation to the Concord Law because the party, today, feels heir to its 140 years of history and “sinister” characters such as Francisco Largo Caballero either Indalecio Prieto. “They feel like they are heirs to evil characters, but their memory must be kept in mind to try to avoid their repetition. I would like to recall the statements of Indalecio Prieto: “We are determined to do in Spain what was done in Russia, the plan of Spanish socialism and Russian communism is the same,” García-Gallardo quoted.

He also recalled a speech by Francisco Largo Caballero delivered on January 22, 1936, in which the socialist leader declared that if the right won the elections, there would have to be a civil war. “If the left wins with our allies, we can work within the law, but if the right wins, we will have to declare civil war,” said the Vox spokesman, recalling the speech of the PSOE leader.

The leader of the conservative party in the region continued his speech by stating that he did not mind being called a Francoist in the House for not condemning the economic, industrial and tourist development that the The Franco regime or the neutral position of Spain during the Second World War that the general defended. “I do not condemn the decision to welcome thousands of Jewish refugees either,” he defended. Now, regarding the historical past of Spain, the former vice-president of the Junta of Castilla y León said that, however, he does not claim “the legacy of the violent leaders of the PSOE” nor the religious persecution of Catholics.

“I don’t pretend either falsification of records “which allowed the end of parliamentary democracy in Spain in 1936, nor the coup d’état of October 1934 promoted by you with other left-wing organizations,” stressed García-Gallardo, who also said that he does not claim “the excesses of the civil war or the post-war” as well as the limitation of civil, political and union rights that Vox wants to defend.

“What we want once and for all in Spain is a serious, real and constructive democracy, not like the one you want to impose on us by limiting our freedom of thought and imposing a unique historical version“false, sectarian and mutilated,” concluded the Vox spokesperson.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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