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They demand military prison for Maria Serrano, the civil guard who denounced corruption in Seprona

The current brigade Maria Serrano He is on psychological leave but active. She has been the subject of “brutal reprisals” for 9 years. In 2015, he denounced one of his subordinates, a first corporal, to Seprona in Seville for alleged corruption. At that time, she was a sergeant: she investigated and prepared a report that reached her lieutenant who, according to María, recommended that she let him pass. He finally managed to get proceedings opened, but they were dismissed because the statute of limitations had expired.

The situation at Seprona in Seville has become tense. To the point that he has had to report insubordination to this corporal first. And they opened a disciplinary file against him in which they proposed a loss of mission. The resolution came shortly after: no responsibility. They never removed him from service.

Since then he has lived “a brutal repression” for daring to “denounce corruption”. She lost her flag, her destiny, and was stripped of her specialty.. She must now appear before Chamber V of the Supreme Court after being sued by the head of the Seville command at the time, who summoned her to his office before everything exploded. This meeting was summarized in a writing in which He dared to ask for a file to be opened disciplinary.

He “humiliated, yelled at, scolded, insulted, embarrassed and offended” her, all “in his office, in the most aggressive tone, out of her mind, in a loud voice.” Among other things, he told her that she was “the one who didn’t fit into the unit,” that she “had been still hellwho had not won, to stop messing around in the unit, to pack his bags and leave Seprona. “Insults such as payment for the performance of one’s duty and the obligation not to tolerate acts of corruption within the unit.” adds the letter requesting the opening of a disciplinary file that the military justice system ultimately refused. considered that it was a “father’s quarrel“.

Today it is general and Chief of Staff of the Civil Guardand reported her in 2017 for false accusation and complaint. She risks a year in military prison that she will have to serve, unlike in civilian prison, if she is found guilty.

His case was brought before the Congress of Deputies in May 2017. I took it Zaida Canterawho left her seat in the last general election. But before that, she suddenly “disappeared completely. When Pedro Sánchez came to government, he stopped answering my phone,” she tells EL ESPAÑOL.

To violate

The one that has supported him “since always” is the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC). Your Secretary General, German Gomezshowed that the Law 2/2023which transposes a European directive, “obliges administrations to maintain certain internal channels for reporting corruption cases“. Maria’s lawyer, Jesus DiazHe also clarifies that this law “is a protection for the complainants against the denounced persons. And if the National Police is governed by an ordinary jurisdiction, this is not the case of the Civil Guard, which is governed by military law intended to be applied in times of war.”

More than a year after its approval, this complaint channel – and whistleblower protectiondoes not exist in the Civil Guard. “They are working on it. We have said, actively and passively, that they are opening this channel, but they are making us think. They want to create a collegiate body, but composed only of commanders of the Civil Guard, that is, of the General Directorate itself: there, they must address the associations of the Civil Guard that represent the workers.” The issue, says Germán Gómez, will be raised again at the next meeting of the General Council of the armed institute, scheduled for October.

Marie tells her whole situation because it is “a public revelation according to this law.” He considers it “nonsense, because they want to judge me for a military man.” a matter that is strictly a police matter: I investigated the corruption and reported it, as well as the commanders who were allegedly involved. “It’s not my personal business. No. I’m here today, but tomorrow it could be anyone. The problem of corruption is too widespread. “It’s for the good of all.”




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