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HomeLatest NewsThey denounce that Bildu does not condemn the pro-ETA graffiti on the...

They denounce that Bildu does not condemn the pro-ETA graffiti on the UPN headquarters in Puente la Reina

EH Bildu did not condemn in Puente la Reina, graffiti in favor of the terrorist group ETAas well as against the regionalist formation and the Civil Guard, which appeared in the city. The abertzales rejected a motion proposed by the UPN for the plenary session held last Thursday during which The graffiti was condemned and the government team was asked to clean it up..

“It’s no surprise. This is just another example that Bildu remains comfortable in this atmosphere of tension and harassment towards the UPN And support for the terrorist group ETA. He therefore cannot give courses on coexistence. Their masks fall off every day,” UPN reported. The Foralista formation also recalls that in the last three months there have been various attacks against the UPN in Puente la Reina, in which its headquarters and other spaces in the city were vandalized, “a situation that , because it is habitual, repeated and normalized, and it is precisely for this reason that it cannot have its place in any healthy democracy,” they emphasize.

“Any type of painted in favor of a terrorist gang suppose a lack of humanity and respect for the victimsin addition to being able to incur a crime of humiliation against them. From the UPN, we will continue to defend freedom, denouncing these manifestations of hatred, like those which reappeared in Queen’s Bridge and that, of course, they will not discourage us in our efforts to work for this city and for Navarre”, they concluded.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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