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HomeLatest NewsThey discover a new species of plant adapted to extreme climates

They discover a new species of plant adapted to extreme climates

Researchers from the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography have identified a species of desert moss, known as Syntrichia caninervis. This plant seems to have the ability to survive in the most extreme conditions..

The research team conducted a series of experiments to assess the tolerance of the Syntrichia caninervis to simulated extreme conditions. The results showed that this foam can withstand cellular dehydration greater than 98% and survive extremely low temperatures down to -196°C.

Likewise, the foam showed surprising resistance to high levels of gamma radiation, above 5,000 Gy. After these tests, the plant was able to recover quickly, demonstrating its ability to grow and turn green again.

A unique species

He Syntrichia caninervis It has several adaptations that contribute to its resistance. Its overlapping leaves reduce water evaporationand the white tips of the leaves reflect the intense sunlight.

Likewise, this foam has the ability to enter a state of selective metabolic hibernation in adverse environments. This allows you to store the energy needed for recovery when conditions improve.

Syntrichia caninervis It lives mainly in arid and semi-arid regions.. Here are some of its features:

  • HabitatIt is common in deserts and dry areas, where it adapts well to extreme droughts.
  • AppearanceIt has small stems with densely grouped leaves, allowing it to retain water efficiently.
  • Reproduction. It can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
  • Adaptations. It has the ability to completely dehydrate and come back to life when it comes into contact with water again.
  • PhotosynthesisIt carries out photosynthesis day and night, depending on the availability of moisture.
  • Ecological importance. It contributes to soil stabilization and acts as an indicator of environmental changes in its surroundings.

Could survive on Mars

desert moss Syntrichia caninervis has become a promising tool for the colonization of Mars. This moss, found in hostile places like Antarctica and the Mojave Desert, has shown remarkable resistance to the harsh conditions that characterize the red planet.

According to Wieger Wamelink, a researcher at Wageningen University, “The mosses were exposed to Martian conditions for several days, then continued to grow in the sand under terrestrial conditions.

Despite everything, there is still no guarantee that moss can grow sustainably on Martian soil. The research results were published in the journal Innovation.

Despite all these promising advances, there are still many obstacles to establishing plant life on Mars. Wieger Wamelink noted that one of the main problems is the lack of temperatures above freezing on Mars. This hinders the sustained growth of plants on its surface without the support of protective structures.

A promising find

The researchers They intend to conduct new experiments on spacecraftThe aim is to study how Syntrichia caninervis reacts to microgravity and various forms of ionizing radiation.

What is ultimately sought is better understand the physiological and molecular bases of the tolerance of this moss to extreme conditions. Similarly, explore key regulatory mechanisms of survival.

Professor Stuart McDaniel of the University of Florida has highlighted the importance of growing plants during extended space missions. Although Syntrichia caninervis it is not edible, could play a crucial role in creating a livable environment. In concrete terms, this would make it possible to transform carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and food.

Dr. Agata Zupanska of the SETI Institute noted that This moss could help improve Martian soil. This would make it easier to grow other plants. However, he also pointed out that moss is not suitable as a food supplement because of its taste. It would therefore only fulfil a supporting role and not a direct food.

Which plants adapt best to extreme climates?

Cacti and succulents: these plants are known for its ability to store water in its stemsleaves or roots, which allows them to survive in arid environments and high temperatures. Cacti, in particular, are excellent choices for desert climates because they require very little water and can withstand long periods of drought. Some popular succulents are aloe vera, echeveria, and crassula.

Native plants: Native plants are those that have evolved in a certain ecosystem and are therefore adapted to local climatic conditions. By choosing native plants for your garden, you will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and reduce the need for irrigation and fertilizers. Some native plants that are very resistant to extreme climates are lavender, thyme, rosemary and milk thistle.

Silver Leaf Plants: Plants with silver or grayish leaves are generally more resistant to extreme climates, as reflects sunlight and prevents excessive water loss through transpiration. Some interesting options are sea cineraria, senecio, blue thistle and santolina.

Xerophytic plants: Xerophytic plants are those that They have adapted to life in extremely dry environmentslike deserts. These plants have special mechanisms to conserve water, such as small leaves, fleshy stems or a deep root system.

With a little planning and care, you can create a beautiful garden that can withstand any weather adversity.

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MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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