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HomeLatest NewsThey discover the presence of Neanderthals in Valencia more than 100,000 years...

They discover the presence of Neanderthals in Valencia more than 100,000 years ago

Archaeological work demonstrates the existence of six sites containing numerous remains of the lithic industry in the Requena-Utiel region.

Image of one of the scrapers discovered ABC

Recent archaeological work carried out by the Institut Valencià de Conservació, Restauració i Investigació (IVCR+i), dependent on the Department of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment, in collaboration with the Archaeological Museum of Requena, reveals the presence of Neanderthals in the Requena-Utiel region, at the beginning of the Upper Pleistocene, approximately 100,000 years.

The study of archaeological prospecting materials from the Rambla de Los Morenos (Requena), recovered during the delimitation of the Wine Cultural Park in Antiquitydemonstrate the existence of six Middle Paleolithic sites with numerous remains of the lithic industry carried out by the Neanderthals. Among the lithic typology found are scrapers, knives and hammerstones.

These sites were occupied at the beginning of the Upper Pleistoceneabout 100,000 years ago, in the vicinity of an ancient lagoon, now disappeared.

Image of the Rambla de Los Morenos


This archaeological complex represents a heritage element of great interest in the space delimited within this Cultural parkwhich has wine as its center of gravity, and which has been promoted by the City Council of Requena for the conservation and dissemination of a landscape characterized by the existence of sites linked to the cultivation of the vine and the production and storage of wine in the Iberian period (6th-5th centuries BC), such as Solana de las Pilillas and other sites in its surroundings.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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