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HomeLatest NewsThey dismantle a criminal organization that was sending cocaine from Ecuador via...

They dismantle a criminal organization that was sending cocaine from Ecuador via air containers

Agents of the National Police, in a joint operation with the Customs Surveillance Service of the Tax Agency and in collaboration with the National Police of Ecuador, dismantled a international criminal organization dedicated to the importation of cocaine by air containers from Ecuador.

They were seized 165 kilograms of cocaine1,250 euros in cash, seven mobile phones and two vehicles were seized. They were five people arrestedwho belonged to an international criminal organization allegedly dedicated to trafficking cocaine which they imported in air containers of dragon fruit.

The investigation began in August 2024, when information was received that a criminal organization intended to send a shipment of cocaine via air containers which contained the fruit known as dragon fruit. To do this, the organization had a business network that simulated the legal fruit trade, which exported from Ecuador in containers destined for Spain, where it was unloaded and distributed throughout the country and the rest of Europe.

Police investigations made it possible to identify one of these loads of three containers with the fruit originating from Ecuador, in which the organization had introduced 165 kilograms of cocaine hidden among the boxes of goods. When the containers arrived at Madrid airport, members of the organization began trying to recover the cargo. Two of the members came in a truck to collect the merchandise, while three other vehicles controlled the area and escorted the truck to a warehouse located in the Madrid city of Morality of the environmentwhere two other people from the organization were waiting.

To Toledo

The people interviewed, suspecting police surveillance, decided not to stop at the Madrid boat and to continue their journey to Toledo. During this journey, a police operation was deployed which made it possible to intercept the truck and arrest the members who were on board. At the same time, officers also spotted two other people inside the vessel who, in the presence of police They tried to flee.

Inside the ship, all the equipment intended for storing the cocaine cargo was found, with various crates, packing tapes and backpacks, as well as two vehicles. with hidden compartments in which they hid the narcotic substance to distribute it.

After the intervention, the police continued the investigation to identify all the members of the criminal organization who had participated in the transport of the narcotic substance, ending the operation with the arrest of five people, including four entered prisonand two arrest warrants were issued for other members of the dismantled criminal network.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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