Monday, September 30, 2024 - 7:51 pm
HomeBreaking NewsThey resisted and returned to the asylum rooms

They resisted and returned to the asylum rooms

He Home Office tried expel without success to some of the 35 Sahrawis who remain detained in Barajas, while several asylum seekers are refused asylum to get on the plane. For the moment, they remain on the airport premises.

As reported Efe According to judicial sources, more than 40 people, including around twenty Sahrawis, were transferred yesterday evening from asylum rooms to takeoff runway.

A group of Sahrawis, among whom were several women and two one-year-old children, told the police officers at the scene that they did not want to leave and that they would do “everything possible” to resist, so They didn’t get out of the police car and were brought back to asylum rooms at the airportthe sources specify.

One of the women who was going to be deported last night and who ended up staying at the airport is Rachida Amador32 years old, aunt of Husein Bachir Amadour, a Sahrawi activist who arrived in Spain by boat in 2019 and returned to Morocco, where he is serving 12 years in prison for the murder of a young man during clashes between student factions.

As reported Efe your lawyer, Maria Vieiraafter having his application for international protection refused, requested a review of his application, in which, according to the lawyer, “a lot of evidence” was provided, but this was refused again, “very quickly”.

They informed her that she would be deported to a flight to Marrakech qShe left Madrid at 11:50 p.m. but, given her refusal to board the plane, she was eventually transferred to the asylum rooms at the airport, where she is now.

Police sources indicated Efe that These situations are not exceptional when citizens who are going to be deported have to board the plane, they then try to resist and the captain of the plane decides, for security reasons, that these people do not travel.

According to the sources consulted, This is the way to stop the expulsion and request asylum again, even if they have already been refused on certain occasions.




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