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They reveal that Luis Giménez, Marta Pombo’s ex-husband, had an alleged infidelity before marriage

The documentary about the Pombo family, available on Prime Video, has captured the attention of the public with its eight episodes spread over two seasons. The series, which revealed the intimate life of María Pombo and his sisters Marta and Luciahas caused great emotion due to the confessions and secrets revealed. Among the many highlights of the series, one of the most talked about is the revelation of an alleged infidelity that could have been the cause of the ending of the film. Marta Pombo’s first marriageThe truth came out and the spectators were left speechless.

The documentary follows the life of the Pombo family, showing not only their successes and joys, but also the difficulties and painful moments they faced. Throughout the episodes, the audience was able to learn previously unknown details on the life of the Pombo sisters. One of the most surprising was the confirmation that Luis Giménez, ex-husband of Marta Pombocould have been unfaithful before marriage, which would have deeply affected the relationship.

The Open Secret About Marta Pombo’s Life

In one of the chapters, The Pombos and their mother met in the Redondo Brand workshop to review the progress of Marta’s wedding dress, who was about to remarry, this time with Luis ZamalloaThe scene showed an atmosphere full of emotion and expectation, with Marta beaming as she tested her wedding dress. However, what seemed like a moment of pure happiness turned into a moment of tension when, in the middle of a conversation about infidelity, María Pombo gave Marta a meaningful look, suggesting that the topic was more than just casual conversation.

This look did not go unnoticed by viewers or the family’s followers on social media, who quickly began to speculate about what really happened in Marta’s relationship with her first husband. Maria’s suggestion seems to confirm what many already suspected.: Luis Giménez was unfaithful to Marta before they both got married in 2019This fact, so far not publicly confirmed, could be the key to understanding the reasons for the separation announced by Marta at the beginning of the year. 2021.

The wedding of Marta Pombo and Luis Giménezwhich at the time was one of the most talked about events in the world of influencers, began to fall apart a few months after the wedding. Although at the time Marta was reserved about the reasons for their separation, the revelations of the series ‘Pombo’ suggest that infidelity could have been the main trigger.

Marta, who maintained a public life Very active through her social networks, she has experienced a process of personal transformation since her separation. Shortly after announcing the end of her marriage, she found love again with Luis Zamalloawith whom he formed a new family.

Marta Pombo formed a beautiful family with Luis Zamalloa

As the documentary continues to make headlines, Marta Pombo experienced one of the happiest moments of her life: the birth of her twins, Maria and Candela. This event also caught the attention of her followers, who closely followed the process through Marta’s social networks. However, birth It was not without complications, as one of the little ones, Candela, had to be admitted to intensive care due to respiratory problems.

Story by Luis Zamalloa on Instagram. (Photo: Instagram)

Despite the joy of the arrival of his daughtersThe content creator shared with her followers the anguish of not being able to have the two girls with her at the hospital. In a series of stories on Instagram, she was visibly emotional while talking about the situation of Candleexplaining that, although it is a common situation in premature births, it is very difficult for her not to be able to be with her two daughters at the same time.

Luis, the great supporter of the media influencer

Luis Zamalloa, for his part, also expressed his hope that Candela recovers soon. so that he could take her home and introduce her to Matilda, his eldest daughter. Despite the worry, the couple remained united and optimistic, sharing moments of tenderness with little María and looking forward to the day when the whole family could be reunited.

The documentary Pombo not only revealed little-known aspects of this family’s life, it also showed the strength and mutual support between its members. Marta Pombo, despite the challenges she facedcontinues his life, building a new future with Luis Zamalloa and his daughters. All this can be seen in the third season, which is why subscribers of Amazon Premier They are looking forward to seeing the new chapters.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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