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They reveal which is the best country in Europe to leave Spain for the sake of your children

Our coach Luis de la Fuente is clear: the best country in the world to live in is Spain. However, noOur land offers fewer and fewer job opportunities and future options for our children..

This caused Many families decide to move to another European countryeven if it means distancing them from the people they love, from our culture and our way of life.

Migrating to another country is never an easy decision, but Lack of opportunities has forced more than 300,000 Spaniards to emigrate in recent years. Besides security and improved working conditions, another major reason is to guarantee a life plan for their children.

The best country in Europe to emigrate to if you come from Spain

Among all the European countries, there is one option that the Spanish choose above all others: This is the United Kingdom. Although it is not part of the European Union, it has many agreements and communications are simple.

Due to the distance, this may seem like a more complicated option than neighboring countries like Portugal, France or Italy, but The UK offers certain advantages that make it the best place to move with your family.

Quality education

If you are moving with your children, this is perhaps the most important reason. The English education system is one of the most recognized in the worldIt is based on respect for the rules, while encouraging creativity and critical thinking.

Another very important point is that if you live in the UK you will ensure that your children are completely bilingual. This will give them a key advantage when entering the job market.

Health services

The UK’s public health system is considered one of the best in the world and offers free care to all residents.

This is an advantage over other countries in Europe or even if you have considered moving to the United States. Here you will not have to worry about how to pay for treatment if something happens to your child.

Job opportunities

The UK offers a very good quality of life thanks to efficient public services, modern infrastructure and leisure activities for all ages.

Plus, you’ll be living in a global economic center, so you will have many more job opportunities than in Spain. You will also be entitled to much higher salaries, which will allow you to increase your standard of living and provide a better future for your children.

Connections with Spain

It may seem more isolated than other countries because it is an island. However, it is one of the most important countries in the world, so Air connections with Spain are guaranteed.

The flight from Madrid to London takes approximately two and a half hours. This will allow you to return to Spain at Christmas and whenever you want your children to spend time with their grandparents and other people you consider important.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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