Friday, September 20, 2024 - 12:49 pm
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“They say they will defend their lands from the Catalan quota, let them do it”

Jorge Azcon He has been at the head of the government of Aragon for a year and boasts of 25 billion euros of investment that your region has attracted in recent months. This Tuesday, in Madrid, he also announced that “in a few weeks” he would announce “an additional billion”. According to the popular baron, “only with investment do you create jobs, and only with more jobs is the welfare state sustainable”. But there is, he says, a great threat. “the danger for all Aragonese and Spaniards” What does the Catalan quota mean?

The Aragonese president travelled to Madrid to take part in an informative breakfast, during which he was introduced by Alberto Nuñez Feijoopresident of the Popular Party. The Galician leader, in his minutes in front of the microphone, focused the debate by accusing Pedro Sanchez of wanting to “align the entire PSOE behind its beloved leader, anticipating the purge of the leaders of the old PSOE.”

Azcón warned: “Let’s call a spade a spade, It is not a quota, it is a privilege that harms others in Sánchez’s service“.

And after focusing on the debate, Azcón concluded: “We want an agreement not only with the PP regions, but also in Castilla-La Mancha and Asturias,” he announced. “If Page or Barbón said they were going to defend their Autonomous Community, against the privileged financing of Catalonia, let them do it and who goes from words to actions: that they sign an agreement in which we can all meet.”

The Aragonese president insists on two things: he cares about the data and he cares about the concept. The first thing, according to the first calculations of the Treasury Department of your region, means 233 million euros less per year in the event that the Catalan concert agreement is applied.

An account that Feijóo had taken to more than 13 billion per year at the national level.

“And there, the important thing is to put it into things,” insisted the popular baron: “How many fewer teachers, how many fewer hospitals, nurses?how much less environmental protection, how much less dependency assistants.”

But the concept is important to him: “The main thing is that we cannot understand that solidarity, the equality of all citizens of Spain in their right to public services“, he said. “And even more, that it is the Socialist Party that puts ahead of the principle of ordinality than that of solidarity“.

In other words, those who have more stay more, he noted. And he expanded on it: “That the rich CCAA want to continue being rich and stop contributing to the poor… and that is what the PSOE defends!”




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