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“They slander and make false accusations”

War union In Cordoba. CCOO And UGT they are counting publicly because of the provincial domain agreement, signed by UGT with agricultural employers Asaja And COAG…but what? did not sign CCOO. So, the Federation of Industry, Construction and Agro (FICA) of UGT Cordoba criticized this Wednesday “the falsity of the accusations of CCOO Cordoba” and called for “responsibility” CCOO for the “slander thrown” at UGT.

In this sense and through a note, UGT said he understood that the two unions “should justifyin one way or another, who have not adhered to the signing of a agreement “which is so beneficial and offers so many improvements” for the field workersto the point that “it offers the best salaries of all the Andalusian provinces for this year and the years to come.”

Furthermore, in UGT cannot accept that these statements are based on ignorance of the signed text and, far from it, in lies that can negatively affect the sector and lead to some form of discontent or affection among the workers of our province. Not under lies, because this represents not only a dishonest action, but also a serious irresponsibility towards the working class of the countryside,” stressing that UGT lose the confidence of these workers, among whom there is a 67% representation.

Furthermore, “these are unions that have signed agricultural agreements in other provinces, but much less beneficial than the one signed yesterday” by UGT in Cordobabeing “false”, as CCOO had stated, that if a worker was absent due to illness, he would not receive anything in the first days and, “in the same way, we find the accusation that the 6.5% increase is sold as something foreign to the SMI, when It is something uncertain“.

Indeed, as pointed out UGT“In the agreement, the agreed increase is 6.5%, which includes the minimum wage plus 1.5% that places it above this salary, which is not included in any other agreement in Andalusia and which guarantees that, during this year and for the next two years, workers will earn above the minimum wage, because it guarantees that, if this figure is below 2%, this 2% increase will be charged, and if it is above this amount, the total amount will be increased.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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