Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 12:01 am
HomeTop StoriesThey travel along the coast of Gaza to see the destruction and...

They travel along the coast of Gaza to see the destruction and plan their colonization

A new shameful and macabre entertainment is being put into practice in Israel. It is nothing less than organized cruises to see the coast of Gazathe actual destruction and bombing: and not only that, but they also explain what the next colonies will be like in the bombed areas.

Unbelievable, but true. You can see it in the video in this article. In the middle of the night, dozens of Israeli families with their young children They embark on this cruise along the coast, heading for Gaza. They watch on the horizon as Israel bombs the Gaza Strip before their eyes, a massacre that they observe from a safe distance and that some even immortalize with their mobile phones. The youngest comment on their observations: “Look, Gaza!” They show them, they say, the land that will one day belong to them.

“The goal of the settlement movement is to get as close as possible to Gaza to fully observe Gaza and understand that, from now on, Gaza will be completely Jewish!“, explains Daniella Weiss, leader of the Israeli settler movement. And it is the latest attraction for Israeli settlers, advancing their plan of settlements in the Palestinian territory. This is not an interpretation. Limor Son Har-Melech, a member of the Israeli parliament, said: “God willing, the Israeli people will win. We will build and witness the colonization of Zion and the colonization of the Israeli people in Gaza.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the coast, the reality that the Israelis are subjecting the Palestinians to is very different. Dozens of families are forced to camp on the beach in unsanitary conditions and without the security of not being bombed, as they have been doing in the Gaza Strip for nearly a year.




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