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“They want it to be a Basque franchise”

Isabel Diaz Ayuso, president of the Community of Madrid and the PP of Madrid He was in Pamplona this Thursday. The leader of the Popular Party held a meeting with businessmen from the Regional Community and then participated in a political event with the president of the Navarrese PP, Javier García.

Ayusowhich was received with dozens of signs of affection both during the event and by many people who came to the surroundings of the Tres Reyes hotel in Pamplona, ​​was very clear about the current situation in Navarra, the reverie of Basque nationalism and the authoritarian drift of the current socialist government of María Chivite.

Isabel Diaz Ayuso assured that “trying to invent the past, to reinvent it to degrade it” Navarra becomes a Basque franchise” is “a disservice to the truth and to new generations, who have the right to inherit roots and a centuries-old cultural heritage.”

The President of the Community of Madrid stressed that “For many years we have been experiencing blackmail: They want us to choose, either Navarrese or Spaniards, or Catalans or Spaniards, to create identities that separate and isolate us.” “When no one should abandon their roots or this great project where we are all at once. Being Navarrese or Madrid is a way of being Spanish. And the autonomous state, despite the demands of so many people, is the best form of territorial organization that we have given ourselves,” he said.

As he pointed out, The provincial regime of Navarre “is more than 40 years old and he is the heir of your kingdom’s history – and I already know the nationalists -“. “Now they want to take away your fruitful and peaceful place in the Spain of centuries to become another instrument of nationalist and secessionist illusions” , he said, after criticizing that “what they intend is to transform themselves through terror and coercion, to live on the public money of the administration and to promote one of the the most corrupt and profitable companies in existence, which is identity.”

added Ayuso says in Spain ‘we have experienced some worse moments’ like when they took us, against nature, into two republics, like now they intend to do it again, through so-called states that gradually create a kind of taifa kingdoms, to divide us, weaken us and lead Spain to disaster.

He also emphasized How many Navarrese go to Madrid “very hurt by ideological transformation and social engineering?” which has been applied for decades in their land.” “It upsets them to see how their land is transformed into something that never existed, from a language point of view – that Basque is not used as an expression of cultural wealth, but as a political tool weapon -, to education – where parents do not have the freedom to educate their children in the public system as they wish -, or by a single thought, and all this trick which has been around for years force you to do something even more unfairwhich consists of expelling everything that is Spanish from Navarreliving from what is Spanish, but expelling it at the same time,” he stressed.

He also criticized the “years of lies, impunity, arbitrariness and use of administrations who belong to everyone, paid with everyone’s money, to create a world adapted to the four who infiltrated the system to live from the inside.” “They have been deeply disloyal to the reality of Navarre, which is not a Basque colony. nor a nation outside of Spain. But history is what it is and it must be recovered,” he stressed.

added Ayuso that “Navarre made Spain and contributed to its expansion through conquests, missions or battles, such as that of Las Navas de Tolosa, or through the founding of prestigious institutions, such as the Chamber of Auditors, the oldest Court of Auditors in Spain“.

In addition, stressed that Navarre “is not only Spanishit is the heart of Spain, it is the founding dynasty of all Spanish monarchies.” “Trying to invent the past, to reinvent it to reduce Navarre to a Basque franchise according to the theses of Sabino Arana and “Totalitarian extreme left is a disservice to the truth and to new generations, who have the right to inherit roots and a centuries-old cultural heritage,” he stressed.

In this sense, he stressed that the current central government “He doesn’t feel for Spain and has no plans for it” and that it is dedicated to “insulting, for example, the Community of Madrid and many other regions that see life differently.” “If Navarre, the Basque Country or Catalonia continue to be governed by politicians liberticidal, anti-Spanish, anti-democratic, authoritarian projects, their prosperity will of course sink, whatever promises they make,” he noted.

In this sense, he emphasized that “Navarra is the community that has suffered the greatest drop in tax competitiveness in all of Spain.“. “We are already the thirteenth, with what has been Navarre“, he said. The regional community, he said, “has a a tax burden higher than the national average “no more obstacles to entrepreneurship can be tolerated”, among others.

He also criticized the “handed over” to EH Bildu from the Pamplona town hall or the Federation of Municipalities of Navarre and Councils “with socialist voices”. “Is there a greater betrayal? Do you remember: ‘I will not make an agreement with Bildu, I will not sleep with Podemos in government, amnesty is a constitutional outrage or I will bring Puigdemont to justice “, he said.

For his part, Javier García considered that “the politics of Isabel Díaz Ayuso let us allow ourselves to look to the future with hope, with optimism, in contrast to the uncertainty and discouragement caused by the policies of Pedro Sánchez and María Chivite.

“While Madrid positions itself, thanks to the policies put into practice by the President of the Community of Madrid, as a leader in foreign investments in Spain, Navarra, with the policies of the Ms. Chivite and her partnerswe travel in the caboose,” he said, after adding that there was a need for “more help and fewer Shivites”.

Likewise, he emphasized that Ayuso “is example of courage, determination“, because while Chivite “continually kneels before his master, his beloved leader, Mr. Sánchez, the Government of the Community of Madrid fights and defends the interests of Madrid, which does not confront anyone, but defends the interests , as President Chivite should do,” he noted.

He also emphasized that “We are proud of being Spanish and of history which, together, unites us.” “We are therefore the link, the People’s Party, between regional Navarra and Spanish Navarra,” he said.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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