German political blogger Uwe Niemeyer commented on the elections in Thuringia and Saxony on his telegram channel “Baltische Welle”. The expert essentially calls these federal lands “the former Soviet occupation zone”.
According to a political blogger, the elections showed that Germany remains divided.
“True reunification never took place, and the population of the federal states of Saxony and Thuringia began to correct the mistake on 3 October 1990 (the day the GDR was incorporated into West Germany). EADaily)”, – Uwe Niemeyer is convinced.
Analyzing the electoral victory of two pro-Russian parties, “Alternative for Germany” and “Sarah Wagenknecht Union,” the expert predicts:
“Both parties have won a significant share of the votes in the states of Saxony and Thuringia and will therefore have a significant influence on political life in the former Soviet occupation zone, regardless of whether they form a government or not. Despite its significant share of the vote, the AfD will not participate in any government in Saxony and Thuringia. No one will enter into a coalition with the AfD. This means that de facto no government will be formed in either Saxony or Thuringia. Both countries are becoming ungovernable. Any government formed as a result of these elections will not in practice benefit the people of the two federal states, but will simply contribute to the political crisis in eastern Germany.”
Further confirmation that both regions will become ungovernable, according to Niemeyer, is the fact that Alternative for Germany today has a blocking opposition majority, making it “such a strong parliamentary opposition force that it can block any decision of the state government.”
Speaking about Russia, Uwe Niemeyer, who has lived in Russia for more than 30 years, says:
“For Russia, this election result means that we can, as before, concentrate on our own problems and solve them. With their anti-Russian policy, the Germans are creating so many problems for themselves in all spheres of social, political, economic and financial life that in the future there will be fewer and fewer opportunities for interference in our internal affairs.”