Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 6:05 pm
HomeTop StoriesThey will have to pay up to more than 1,000 euros

They will have to pay up to more than 1,000 euros

Self-employed workers have been one of the groups most affected by the latest changes promoted by Social Security. One of them has been the modification of contributions, now governed by the system of income brackets, which obliges self-employed professionals to declare their income and, based on this, to contribute to the organization.

Since these declarations are made on the basis of income estimates, it is up to Social Security to confirm that the level of income declared by the self-employed is correct and, if not, to make corrections. This is why many of these self-employed workers will receive a notice from Social Security in the coming months.

According to Declarando, a platform specializing in tax advice, 74% of self-employed people will have to contribute to Social Security in the coming months for having declared income in 2023 lower than that finally obtained.

According to the data collected by the platform, 48% of self-employed workers will have to pay more than 1,000 euros to regularize their situation. 22.5% of them will pay an amount between 100 and 1,000 euros and only 3.5% will have to pay installments for an amount less than 100 euros.

A notification from Social Security

The self-employed workers affected by this situation will receive, in the coming months, a notification from Social Security (“via NOTESS, the Social Security telematic communication system”, explains Declarando) in which they will be informed that they have declared income lower than that actually obtained and that, consequently, this situation will be regularized.

As Declarando explains, these independent workers will not have to do anything, since the regularization will be done automatically by Social Security, which will take the corresponding money from their accounts.

These independents “They will have until the last working day of the month following that of notification.” reports Declarant.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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