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HomeBreaking NewsThey will ignore Ayuso and go to Moncloa

They will ignore Ayuso and go to Moncloa

The regional presidents of the PP will accept the invitation of Pedro Sanchez go to Moncloa, but with one premise: they will take care of all the issues except one, that of financing. Alberto Nuñez Feijoo He is gathering his barons in Madrid this Friday precisely to forge this common response to the president of the government.

Isabel Diaz Ayuso opened a debate within the party yesterday by publicly requesting a boycott of the invitations announced by Sánchez to the regional presidents. Both the PP leadership and the regional leaders of the party agree with the Madrid president that the issue of financing must be addressed in a “multilateral” manner and that they will not give in to Sánchez’s siren song. However, they do not agree with her about the possibility of going to Moncloa. That is why they will ignore her.

Ayuso’s call surprised the popular leaders because it took place just one day before the meeting called by Feijóo to address the issue. And one after another, the presidents confirmed their willingness to attend Moncloa when summoned by Sánchez, arguing that there are pending issues in their territories that cannot continue to be kept in a drawer.

“The issue is too important to be lost on the surface,” they replied this Thursday in Genoa to EL ESPAÑOL, questioned about the Ayuso demonstrations. The truth is that Feijóo never failed to respond to an invitation from Sánchez, even though relations between the PSOE and the PP were then difficult.

The national leadership of the PP has given autonomy to its barons to decide whether or not they will choose to go to Moncloa when Sánchez’s invitation arrives; Yes, with a red line: not to address financing.

The reactions

No sooner said than done. Just yesterday Fernando Lopez MirasPresident of the Region of Murcia, admitted that he was determined to go see Sánchez to discuss many issues pending with the government “five years ago”: from water to the migration crisis.

Alphonse RuedaPresident of Galicia, showed the same willingness and recalled that he had requested a meeting with Sánchez since taking office.

Alfonso Fernandez ManuecoPresident of the regional government of Castilla y León, is also willing to meet with Sánchez to discuss “a catalogue of his own problems,” according to the regional government spokesman.

AND Carlos MazonPresident of the Valencian Community, also distanced himself from Ayuso’s proposal and showed his willingness to address with Sánchez issues such as dependency, the cuts to the Tajo-Segura, the deterioration of the Albufera de Valencia or aid to ceramics.

In the Balearic Islands, they are even skeptical about Sánchez’s call Marga Prohens. They remember that the president already met him in July and therefore do not know if she will now enter the new cycle of contacts announced by Moncloa. At that meeting, Prohens had already demanded the convening of the Conference of Presidents for issues “that affect all the autonomous communities.”

The Andalusian people, for their part, said they understood the call to boycott Ayuso, because, they stressed, they do not want “bilateral meetings” on an issue that “affects everyone”, it is reported. Mr. Moguer“We must all be at the same negotiating table,” party sources in Seville added.

From the team of the Andalusian leader, they remember how Juanma Moreno repeatedly asks Sánchez to convene the Conference of Presidents and the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council, “the bodies where any change in the Spanish financing model must be discussed, negotiated and approved.”

The cry that comes back in all the territories governed by the PP on the issue of financing is that we must go to “multilaterality” because “what belongs to each must be negotiated by everyone”. And no president admits the “Catalan concert” agreed bilaterally with the ERC. In this, they agree with Ayuso.




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