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They’re going to charge 4,000 euros and it’s imminent

A group of pensioners will soon receive good news from the Treasury. The approximately 5 million mutualists who paid too much due to a tax error have already received or will receive in the coming weeks between 3,000 and 4,000 euros for what they had previously overpaid. A sentence from Supreme Court This has forced the Treasury to catch up with the millions of people who will benefit from a historic decision.

He Supreme Court ruled that workers who contributed to the Mutuality of Banking Work They were entitled to a tax reduction of 100% for contributions up to 31 December 1966 and 25% for contributions between 1 January 1967 and 31 December 1978. That is to say, the mutualists in the first group were to be reimbursed 100% of what they contributed on that day, while the second group was to receive 25%, since they contributed 100% when they should have contributed 75%.

The sentence of Supreme Court 255/2023, REC. CASATION 5335/2021 of 28 February not only recognized the rights of workers in the Mutuality of Banking Work Otherwise, the taxman would also have to pay the additional tax on their pensions to those who were formerly in mutual societies linked to construction, fishing, shipyards and a long sector, etc.

In total, around five million pensioners are entitled to a refund of what they overpaid at the time due to a tax error. Tax authorities but this will only apply to non-prescribed years, which are the last four years of the year. Personal income tax since last year 2019. Thus, before June 30, all mutualists eligible for the benefit had to have filed the 2023 income tax return before the last day of the campaign. Those who did not arrive on time can fight it and even win by filing a request for restitution of undue income.

A couple looks at a sheet of paper and a computer.

Reimbursements to mutualist retirees

This was the barrier that was erected after the decision of the Supreme Courtthat the Tax Agency was forced to open a communication channel so that the millions of people concerned could fill out an application form. By specifying the data and the account number, the Administration would take care of cross-checking the data and if additional supporting documents are needed, it would contact the people concerned. This is one of the biggest problems, because the documents justifying the additional payment from 50 years ago can be difficult to find, especially in cases where the mutualist has died and the possible beneficiaries would be his heirs.

“This form can be used to request all declarations corresponding to the period 2020-2023, although for 2023, in most cases, the calculation will already appear in Renta Web and the adjustment will be automatically applied to the declaration. For cases in which the AEAT If you do not have sufficient information, you will not be able to propose the calculation in the tax data, but to request the regularization, it will be enough to present the same form used for previous years”, declares the Tax Agency on the open channel to proceed with the refunds.

The page activated by the Tax Agency.

The mutualists who will not be entitled to this reimbursement from the Treasury are those who receive pensions paid by the passive classes to public agents, the self-employed, widows’ pensions and non-contributory pensions.

When does the Treasury return the money to retirees?

This is the million dollar question. Many mutualists have already collected the compensation corresponding to 2023 after the last declaration, but there are others who are waiting to be paid an amount of up to 4,000 euros. Tax authorities There is usually a deadline until the end of the year to take care of the outstanding payments and if this date is exceeded you will have to pay interest which is usually around 4%.

Thanks to the page activated by the Tax Agency You can also get information about the status of the application. If you have not yet received the payment and it appears as pending, imminent or in the coming weeks Tax authorities He will catch up with you on what he overpaid in his time.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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