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Thierry Beaudet, President of the EESC, the new path to the post of Prime Minister

While the President of the Republic launched a new round of consultations on Monday morning, receiving at 9 a.m. the former Socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve and the then President of Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand, the hypothesis of Matignon appointing Thierry Beaudet, President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC), was mentioned on Monday by several sources.

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If this were to be confirmed, Emmanuel Macron, who has estimated since 7 July that no one has won or lost the legislative elections and has noted that the political groups have not been able to form a coalition since then, would choose to distance himself from a politician in favour of a personality from civil society. Thierry Beaudet, former president of the National Federation of French Mutual Societies, known for his closeness to social partners, presides over the chamber that hosted the two citizens’ conventions (on climate and the end of life) initiated by the Head of State. This trained professor, close to the left, took up a post in June The tribune against a possible coming to power of the National Grouping.

According to our information, the Elysée has already found a chief of staff for the next prime minister: Bertrand Gaume, 49 years old, prefect of the North. This senior civil servant with a meteoric career, formerly prefect of Essonne and Vaucluse, formerly of the Directorate General of External Services (DGSE), had already been contacted in July 2023 to replace Aurélien Rousseau at the head of Elisabeth Borne’s cabinet. Coming from an old family from Arcachon (Gironde), Bertrand Gaume is also, in the private sector, one of the best friends of the former socialist Benoît Hamon, of whom he was chief of staff in 2012 at the Ministry of the Social and Solidarity Economy. . A position in which he undoubtedly met Thierry Beaudet, at the time president of the Mutual General de l’Education Nationale. Contacted by The worldThe Elysée did not confirm these hypotheses.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Construction work suspended during the holidays in Matignon


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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