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thirteen stations beyond recommended thresholds

Comprehensive mapping of pollution in the Paris region’s underground transportation network revealed a level of concentration of fine particles ” student “ in thirteen stations, according to the Ile-de-France air observatory Airparif on Monday, October 14, National Air Quality Day. The study, which analyzed the air quality in 426 subway platforms and stations, also found a level of contamination ” AVERAGE “ in 276 of them and low levels in 123 platforms.

The most contaminated stations are Belleville, Iéna, Jaurès, Laumière, Michel-Ange-Auteuil, Michel-Ange-Molitor, Oberkampf, Ourcq, Père-Lachaise, Pigalle, Saint-Philippe-du-Roule and Trocadéro. They are located only on lines 2, 5 and 9 of the metro and show concentration levels of fine particles PM10 (diameter less than 10 µm) greater than 480 µg/m3.

This threshold is the maximum recommended by the National Health Security Agency (ANSES) based on one hour of exposure, which is the average daily time spent in transport by many residents of the Ile-de-France. The World Health Organization recommends a maximum level of 140 µg/m3but this refers to outdoor exposure.

Favoring the appearance of respiratory diseases

To carry out this mapping, Airparif was based on a first study presented in January and covering 44 stations in which measurements were taken for long periods of time, at least a full week, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. . . He then built a model based on 19 factors to understand what determined the level of pollution at each of these stations (depth of the station, type of braking used by trains, presence of platform doors, length of the tunnel, etc.). Airparif then, using this model, estimated pollution levels at all stations in the network.

“The type of rolling stock, and especially braking, has a great influence on air pollution levels”Airparif advances in its analysis. The presence of landing doors on the platforms and ventilation are also “parameters of notable influence”ensures the organization. The high concentration of fine particles in the air can cause respiratory difficulties or illnesses, especially in vulnerable people.

During a hearing before the National Assembly, on Wednesday, October 9, the president and general director of the RATP, Jean Castex, recalled that no study has ever been able to demonstrate the harmfulness of subway air. “Mortality studies [des agents de la RATP] carried out for several years by health authorities have never demonstrated any prevalence of bronchopulmonary conditions or diseases related to these particles.”he emphasized.

Also read (2023): Article reserved for our subscribers. Air pollution in the subway: RATP is under investigation for misleading and endangering others

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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