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HomeBreaking NewsThis bomb is supposedly a boy -

This bomb is supposedly a boy –

Kubra Maharramova writes…

Once again the world collided on social networks. People still complain about something.

The reason for so much discontent was the proposed amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, which were discussed some time ago at the Milli Majlis session.

The main argument of those who oppose this issue is that “fines are increasing in an oil country”, “there is no end to so many fines”, etc.

First of all, let me draw the attention of those who do not know that the following changes will apply to the Code of Administrative Offenses.

1. From 200 manat to 4000 manat for throwing any object or waste out of the car;

2. The amount of the fine ranges from 50 to 300 manats for throwing tobacco waste into the environment; (if committed again, a fine of 700 manats or 60 to 100 hours of community service is imposed)

3. A fine of 300 to 5,000 AZN will be imposed for the dumping of household waste.

The bill was put to a vote and approved on first reading.

Let me make an observation.

A few days ago, the well-known presenter Ilkin Hasani also shared a video on his social network account. Then the driver of the car in front of him throws the garbage out of the car window onto the street as if it were his grandfather’s house. Ilkin Hasani rightly shared the video and wrote that strict action should be taken against people who behave like this.

What I am saying is that healthy members of society are doing everything they can to keep the city and countryside clean. Ilkin himself is not satisfied with just making videos.

At first, when he sees trash on the city boulevard many times, he picks it up himself, throws it in the trash, and records a video of the process so that people watching can learn from it and avoid behaving like trash. Of course, it is praiseworthy that one of the country’s top stars has taken such a step. Therefore, this person is first and foremost a good citizen, an honest person, someone who respects the hard work of others.

If half of the audience watching it follows what I said, the country will burn with purity.

Now I will move on to what is written in Ilkin Hasani’s post.

The extraordinary comments are “everyone is doing business”, “as if this is a bomb boy”, “go get his house cleaned”, etc.

When you look at these writings, when you look at our streets, you say, “Lord, you created, at least stop eating.”

According to the new rules adopted by the Milli Mejlis, violators will be fined 4,000 manats.

I think this bill should have been passed sooner.

Because fines are actually more effective than all education, training and promotion. Penalties are the best discipline for us. If before the introduction of fines wearing a seat belt was considered a “weakness”, now everyone who sits behind the wheel puts aside their “good boy”, their “heart”, their “bravery” and puts the seat belt.

Now it remains not to throw garbage on the ground, not to smoke, not to spit on the ground, not to throw diapers into the street from the balcony of a multi-story building. What remains is 4,000 manats. It will be fixed.

That day I was at a wedding party and there were “intellectual” people at the table. One of the “intellectuals” started smoking in the common room, behind the table. His lungs seemed to be made of concrete. He smokes a cigarette. I wanted to say two words, “Hey, precious girl of my precious nation, go poison yourself there,” I said, there will be a fight at the wedding, come on, explain in the section how it happened that the bottle of champagne fell on the head of the ” intellectual” who smoked. I walked out into the lobby, turned around and left the wedding. However, smoking is prohibited in closed spaces. However, this law varies depending on the smoker and location.

I would like to show the Singapore model to those who still look at the issue with “opposition” eyes. In one of the most developed cities in the world, you have the ability to “oppose.” Look how they stick that cigarette butt in your eyes. Being one of the political and financial centers of the world, Singapore is also called “the fine city”, that is, the city of fines. You can’t chew gum in Singapore. Fine of $1,000 if you spit gum on the ground. The second time, the matter will not end with a fine, the person will be sentenced to prison.

If someone throws a cigarette butt or any trash on the ground, they will pay a fine of $610. In general, cigarettes are an expensive pastime in Singapore: a pack costs $13. Additionally, that person will clean the streets for two weeks. Clean it yourself and see how it looks?

Smoking is prohibited in closed spaces, cafes and restaurants. A fine of $808. Smoking is only allowed in designated areas. The next prohibition is related to food. In Singapore you cannot eat on the street, in the subway, on the bus or in the park. Available only in appropriate locations.

Thanks to such strict rules and fines, Singapore is clean and tidy. And the fines apply to everyone regardless of whether they are white or gray. Both locals and tourists.

I don’t know, the world is fighting and we are still fighting the “don’t litter the ground” fight. Generations change, grandparents die, they are replaced by grandchildren, it is still the same problem.

However, we all call ourselves Muslims. Come on, very few people follow the saying “cleanliness comes from faith.”

What am I saying, there are plenty of fines in this world and fires in the other. Because those streets, which old mothers clean with brooms bigger than themselves, no matter how hot or cold, before dawn, can be haram.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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