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this day will change everything

Mario Picazo has issued an alert that worries half of Spainbefore the arrival of a radical change of weather. These are times of change and analysis of certain situations that can be essential and that can really make a difference in every way. That moment will have arrived that could end up being the one that plunges us into the deepest autumn that awaits us. Without a doubt, it is time to fully face everything that presents itself in these days when we are faced with an instability that can give rise to certain doubts that we might not expect.

The meteorologist did not hesitate to give us some important data that we must take into account. So the time has come to follow a weather forecast that has more than one unexpected surprise in store. In this transition from summer to an autumn that is already showing signs of change, we will have to pay attention to what others tell us. It is time to reinforce these days that will begin with a sun that shows the way, but that will end with storms that can change everything.

This day will change everything

Everything will change thanks to the weather which does not bring anything good, quite the opposite. This week we will have to face changes that could end up being those that make us react, facing an autumn that will show us the way and that could be fundamental.

We have started an autumn that has given us a series of elements that are essential and that can really be what makes us react in time. The time will come to start seeing how everything will change and we will still be facing the instability of the rainy season par excellence.

In the last years of drought, we have forgotten those days that mark a before and an after. So, in the end, it is more likely that it will rain on those days that mark a before and an after. A changing situation that can become a reality, if we take into account what the weather maps tell us.

There is no doubt that we have to face some changes that are coming at full speed and that will end up imposing themselves in these days of September,

Mario Picazo launches an important notice

This important opinion from Mario Picazo tells us makes us pay attention to the sky that we have before us. A change of pace from a previous cycle in which warmth and stability were now a thing of the past. The present will be marked by a radically different feeling.

On the El Tiempo channel, a name has been given to this phenomenon: “Storm Aitor, the first high-impact storm of the season, has just been named. It is expected that in the next few hours there will be a strong storm of wind, sea and intense rain in parts of northern and western Spain. The storm in Galicia will be particularly violent. Storm Aitor will circulate further north and its core will reach the British Isles, but its fronts will be active enough to leave the first storm of autumn in Spain.

As we approach the weekend, we will notice that this phenomenon is becoming more and more intense: “This is the first high-impact storm of the season and, in Spain, it will leave a strong storm of rain, wind and rough seas in the north and west of the peninsula. One of its fronts will enter Galicia on Wednesday and cross the peninsula on Thursday. On Friday, the storm will move away towards northern Europe as it weakens and post-frontal rains will arrive in northern Spain on Friday and Saturday.

Heavy rain warnings will be a reality: “This new storm will leave heavy and abundant rains in Galicia, where yellow warnings are already active due to accumulations of more than 40 mm in 12 hours. In Pontevedra and A Coruña, the warning is orange due to accumulated temperatures that could exceed 80 mm in 12 hours.

The alerts will also be activated in the event of the arrival of a wind that could be similar to that of a hurricane: “In addition to the rains, the front associated with the storm Aitor will leave strong southwest winds in Galicia and the area around the Cantabrian Sea and northern Spain.” Iberian system. It will stand out in the north of Castilla y León, inland Asturias, Cantabria and also in La Rioja. Gusts may exceed 80 km/h in these areas on Wednesday and Thursday, which will cause rough seas on the coasts of Galicia and the Cantabrian Sea.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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