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HomeLatest NewsThis did not happen with Don Manuel

This did not happen with Don Manuel

To be part of this story of autocrats is the game when you aspire to appoint an ambassador to Caracas, sooner or later you find yourself on a strict diet of eating your own words and antics.

Tensions between Venezuela and Spain escalate with two arrests as right-wing uses crisis against government

For the Spanish government, as well as for that of the evil Pedro Sánchez, since the institutional position it occupies leaves it no choice, no matter how much it tries and tries to use it against the opposition, Venezuela is a foreign policy issue where the priority must be to protect the interests of the country and the integrity of its citizens. A government that does not understand its role in international politics sooner or later ends up lost in an ocean of contradictions that is impossible to navigate.

For the main opposition party to the government, the situation should be similar. But it has preferred to behave like an opposition party rather than a government party, for fear that the other ultra parties, which only aspire to be the opposition, will steal its sandwich. For the Popular Party, Venezuela is a matter of national politics where the priority is to instrumentalize everything that happens there to make it a problem here; further proof in the long trial against the liberticidal and red-satanic government, friend of satraps and dictators. A speech that suits Vox, which neither wants nor knows how to govern. But joining this story among the autocrats is the game where when you aspire to appoint an ambassador to Caracas, sooner or later you find yourself on a strict diet of eating your own words and antics.

Don Manuel Fraga, the boss of the right, knew well that he had many faults, but he knew how state politics works. As president of the priorities of the Galicians with their relatives and their interests on the island and the strategy of the government of Felipe González, then also evil and corrupt, but today a statesman. He also knew it when, the following year, he took Fidel Castro through Galicia and charmed him with octopuses and dominoes.

No one with any judgment asked where Manuel Fraga or Fidel Castro were, because the vast majority of us knew what we were playing. If there was a role for Spain in the Caribbean, it was this: to position itself as a trusted interlocutor that seeks to help and facilitate, not to intervene. If there is a role for Spain in Venezuela, it will also be this or a similar role. For everything else, the United States is already there and you cannot compete with them.

Almost everything that happens in Spanish politics happened ten years ago in Galician politics. When Alberto Núñez Feijóo was president of the Xunta and chief epidemiologist, many of us began to miss the boss, Don Manuel Fraga; now, with Alfonso Rueda in San Caetano, homesickness is already becoming unbearable. Something similar is happening in Spanish politics right now. How we increasingly lack people who know how state politics works.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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