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HomeLatest NewsThis is how Edmundo González left Venezuela to go into exile

This is how Edmundo González left Venezuela to go into exile

Behind the apparent tranquility of the image of Edmundo González, the elected president of Venezuela from whom Maduro stole victory, leaving Caracas en route to Spanish exile, lies a dramatic story of dictatorial terror, pressure, coercion and threats from two main brothers of the Bolivarian regime, Delcy Rodriguez and her brother Jorge, vice president of the country and of the Venezuelan National Assembly, respectively.

In the video that accompanies these lines you can see how the opponent Edmundo González He heads towards the stairs of the Spanish Air Force plane which will take you to Spain, after take it out of Venezuela at night. Accompanied by the Spanish ambassador, Ramón Santos, and under the gaze of what appear to be agents, Edmundo leaves the country after having suffered the coercion of the Chavista regime at the Spanish embassy, ​​before whose head of the legation he was forced to resign, under threat, from the legitimate presidency of the country.

Today we know, because Jorge Rodríguez himself showed it, that Delcy RodriguezVice President of the Chavista dictatorship of Venezuela, and her brother Jorge RodriguezPresident of the National Assembly, forced Edmundo González, president-elect of Venezuela, to sign a document in which he recognized the victory of Nicolas Maduro in the elections and renounced his claims to the presidency of the country. The events took place in the house of the Spanish ambassador, Ramon Santoswhich is as if it were the embassy itself, where Delcy Rodriguez Access is prohibited as this is the case on Spanish soil.

The letter that Edmundo González signed under pressure from Chavismo.

The regime, through its official press agency, Venezuela News, published the images in which González appeared signing the document with Delcy and Jorge Rodríguez at the ambassador’s residence. The publication of these images is intended to sow doubt and humiliate the winner of the elections.

The signing of this document was the condition for Gonzalez could go to Spain seek political asylum. It was Venezuela’s president-elect who revealed on Wednesday that he had been coerced and threatened to sign the document. “Either I signed or I suffered the consequences,” González said in a video posted on his social networks.

Jorge Rodríguez himself responded to González’s accusations this Wednesday. The president of the Venezuelan Assembly has accused the winner of the elections of revealing the coercion. “I have other evidence that indicates otherwise, do not force me to show it, because I am willing to do so,” Rodríguez said.

At the same time, he showed the images in which González appears sign the documents with Delcy and Jorge Rodriguez in the residence of the spanish ambassadorThe president of the National Assembly assured that he was able to record the conversations he had with González and threatened the opponent to reveal them if he did not deny it. accusations of coercion.

The MEP and vice-secretary for Institutional Affairs of the PP, Esteban González Pons, accused the government of Pedro Sánchez of being “involved in the coup d’état” in Venezuela, in reference to the Chavista regime of Nicolás Maduro, who carried out a coup d’état during the presidential elections of July 28. This is how the leader showed himself popular after learning that the vice president of the Venezuelan dictatorship had forced Edmundo González to sign a document recognizing Maduro’s victory and to resign from the presidency.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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