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HomeTop StoriesThis is how laSexta told the story of the Umbrella Revolution, the...

This is how laSexta told the story of the Umbrella Revolution, the demonstrations of the “indignants” in Hong Kong which are celebrating their tenth anniversary

At the end of September 2014university students and members of various social movements in Hong Kong they took to the streets of the city calling for electoral reform and demanding more democracy in this former British colony, all following a resolution issued by the government, which limited the number of candidates in elections.

What started as a student protest ended up becoming a civil disobedience movement who took to the streets more than 150,000 citizens who, for several weeks, demonstrated and rallied against the regime, as reported by LaSexta.

The demonstrations were harshly repulsed by the police and left hundreds of injured and detained. Many protesters used umbrellas to protect themselves from tear gas and pepper spray that the police threw at them, leading the press to call them the “Umbrella Revolution”. The key day of the protests was September 28, when Hong Kong police I used pepper spray for the first timea repression never seen before in the autonomous territory.

After two weeks on the streets, protesters demanded that the Chinese government dismiss the governor of Hong Kong and announced free and democratic elections, but Beijing chose to let time pass, clashes broke out between detractors and supporters of the regime, and in December 2014 demonstrators They were kicked off the streets. Only a few remained camped near the legislative headquarters to continue demanding universal suffrage.

*Archive: laSexta commemorates anniversaries of historical events or relevant episodes covered by the network.




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