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This is how the relationship between Alvise and the businessman who paid him the 100,000 euros evolved.

From the carelessness of April to the nerves of September. The conversations between Alvise Pérez and Álvaro Romillo I saw the lightThis is the complaint of the founder of ‘CryptoSpain’ which he presented last Thursday to the State Attorney General’s Office against the leader of Se Acabó la Fiesta. Attached to the document presented are screenshots of messages exchanged by both parties from March 29, 2024 until mid-September.

In this complaint, Romillo reports that in 2021 he began advising individuals and companies as an expert in “tax evasion”. Among the activities described by Romilla in his writings is the delivery on May 27, 2024, before the European elections, 100,000 euros to Alvisewhich could constitute an offence of irregular financing. Similarly, Romilla accompanies her complaint with a series of screenshots of WhatsApp messages exchanged with Alvise between March 29 and September 13.

But what were the conversations recorded in the complaint like? In the screenshots that LaSexta had access to, it can be seen that the exchange of messages begins on March 29, 2024, when they call each other several times. After two weeks, Luis He writes to Alvise Perez on April 15 because he knows nothing about him. and he only answers the next day and tells him that he surprised him at the April Fair.

In the following months, communications between the two focus on complaints to the European Parliament for the ban on personal custody wallets and payments of more than 3,000 euros for individuals and 10,000 euros for companies – where Alvise assures that “they are losing their minds” and about a few tutorials that the agitator plans to make for his “squirrels” and thus overcome the “digital divide” because “they are not little children”.

A carelessness that begins to change from September, when the nerves begin. On September 13, he sent the businessman an article from the newspaper ‘El Confidencial’ in which he accused him of having diverted donations for his campaign to accounts with money from a beach bar, reported by the CNMV. After that, Álvaro Romillo informs the leader of Se Acabó la Fiesta that they had to close the company Madeira Club Invest (MIC) because “they practically blocked our accounts because we were involved in an investigation.”

That’s when the alarms start to go off. Alvise assures that “they attack me saying that I sponsored it” and Romillo assures that he denies everything about “millions in crypto and I said that they talk nonsense about politics.” In addition, the businessman points out in the conversation that “It doesn’t attack me, it attacks you”.

Finally, Romillo sends a message to Alvise explaining that “It is clear that there is an interest in giving to you through the Madeira Club Invest”Another notable fact that reveals the nervousness of the two protagonists is that, on the day in question, the agitator sent him the following message: “I understand that you want to break off all relations and that we do nothing.”

Finally, Romillo concludes the conversation by saying that “Don’t worry, I’m not breaking off the relationship.Only now it is time to take care of the closure. Then we will return to the fight.” However, the founder of Madeira Club Invest decided to denounce the MEP for his relationship with the alleged MIC pyramid scheme.




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