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HomeLatest NewsThis is no longer what Catalonia thinks

This is no longer what Catalonia thinks

This is the first time that the Diada demonstration is not even being talked about and also the first time that the Government will not be physically, politically or morally behind the banner or the budgets of the September 11 demonstration. 14 years have passed since. A poorly presented riot ousted President José Montilla from the Diada, which served to protest the Constitutional Court’s ruling on the Statute. 12 years have passed since the equally “historic” demonstration in which Artur Mas confused popular anger with the economic crisis with a protest demonstration. support for his presidency and wanted to lead the wave of indignation, he called elections to obtain the absolute majority that he did not have, he lost 12 deputies and ended up riding the mad cow disease of independence referendums to maintain power and that’s how it all began. Related news everything will be fine opinion Yes The doll of Sánchez Salvador Sostres In anti-sanchism you are so comfortable that I no longer know if you want to win. This Wednesday’s Diada will be the first in many years that a government of the Generalitat. will not have called either openly or with subterfuge. It will be the first time in a long time that the organizers and demonstrators will not be a reflection of a parliamentary majority. It will not be the first time – it already happened last year – but it will be the most bitter, in which the main insults and contempt of the party will not be directed against Spain, but against the faction of the independentists who do not think like those who are summoned or who do not approve of their methods. With the singer-songwriter Lluís Llach as the chief ideologue, the most radical and cornered discourse will blur the time when the demonstrators numbered in the millions, even if in reality, there were never “millions” of people in the streets in Spain. Regarding Lluís Llach, president of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), who is the organizer of the demonstration, his proximity to Carles Puigdemont is also an explanation for the sectarian division of the independence movement and, consequently, the low participation expected in this Diada. The fratricidal war that the independence movement has always been will be better represented in this September 11 than in any of the previous ones, but although it is a nostalgic exercise, we must not forget that this enormous and absurd waste, and its disastrous consequences for Catalonia will never be based on a real challenge to the State, but on a war of power and vanities between Convergència and Esquerra. The renunciation of a single demonstration in Barcelona gives the measure of a weak and deactivated independence movement. Barely a hundred people came to receive Marta Rovira on her return to Spain, only 1,000 supported Puigdemont at his last rally in the south of France and his concert and his flight to Barcelona, ​​which was expected to be crowded, were not followed. more than 3,000 subscribers. After fourteen years of provincial hordes destroying the flowerbeds of the Diagonal and collapsing the main roads of the city, what is expected for next Wednesday is no better than a Barça match when it is played at the Camp Nou. The new government of Salvador Illa It would do it. spare itself the discomfort of “not supporting but without despising”. With Salvador Illa as president, the tone of Catalan politics has lowered the decibels and its detractors are disconcerted by the lack of a presidential response to their invectives. The noise of the economic agreement is another phenomenon in the rest of Spain and in Catalonia, everyone assumed that it was a new entanglement of Esquerra to “kill” Puigdemont, and of Pedro Sánchez to ensure its present and future balances. That is why the little debate it has generated has only served to attack the Republicans. In addition to the war between the parties, the parties themselves are facing serious internal crises. The most spectacular is that of Esquerra, with its congress scheduled for November 30 without the name that Oriol Junqueras’ opponents want to present against him being known at the moment. In Junts, respect for Puigdemont continues to be reverent, but the party has realized that, with the fugitive being its best candidate, it is both insufficient to win the elections and that with his latest actions, it lacks institutional narration. The party congress will take place between October 25 and 27 and it remains to be seen what role is reserved for the leader, who promised that, if he lost the elections, as he did, he would leave politics. is absent from the map. The emergence of Sílvia Orriols’s Aliança Catalana is experienced in the official independence movement much more as a shame than as a stimulus or a way forward, even though all the surveys indicate that its representation would increase if there were elections. An election that, in any case, no one expects. In the Catalonia of the second half of 2024, independence is not part of the conversations, even among the independentists, and the most heated debate today is that of the expansion of Barcelona airport, which neither Esquerra nor Junts oppose, but rather the Commune. For different, even opposing reasons, it would be a relief for all parties if this year’s Diada were removed from the calendar. The Government would be spared the discomfort of “not supporting but without despising” and the independentists would be spared from seeing their defeat reflected in demobilization and anger. The weather doesn’t help: it will be sunny and moderately warm.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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